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Commissioner Price answered Commissioner Rich's question about pushback and said <br /> there is some pushback. She referenced a development pending on 70 where there was <br /> opposition because of the possibility of five to six story buildings behind ETJ area. She noted <br /> that she happens to live in one of these areas and some of her neighbors are concerned about <br /> being annexed by Hillsborough. It is preferable not to be in the city. <br /> Frank Clifton said a lot of these processes were in place before the annexation <br /> legislation and he said that any decision made on ETJs is fairly significant because annexation <br /> is so limited. When you cede ETJ, direct controlling interest is lost, but not the blame is still <br /> there. He noted that people in an ETJ don't get to vote, but they are told what their zoning <br /> issues and rules are. The second issue relates to the consequences of intensified residential <br /> development. He referenced the role of schools and school demands. <br /> Craig Benedict said about ten years ago they had the discussion on land- <br /> banking and both Orange County and Hillsborough have provisions in their zoning code that <br /> designate general areas where there is need for a school. However, this was never activated <br /> and there is not a map on their land use plan. He expressed his belief that this needs to be <br /> addressed in the land use plan, to put some generalized circles to indicate potential areas of <br /> need for schools. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin noted that there are areas on map that have water but are <br /> outside the boundary. He asked why the boundary would not be adjusted based on this. <br /> Craig Benedict said they have exception areas that have water, but are too difficult to <br /> service with sewer. Chair Jacobs noted that Hillsborough had its own agenda with a bigger <br /> area designated for urban growth than Chapel Hill and Carrboro. He said that when it became <br /> obvious that this was unrealistic, the town came to the table to discuss joint planning. He said <br /> that this is a matter of what Hillsborough is willing to and unwilling to give up and what <br /> compromises are able to be made. The Board had pushed as far as it could push and that is <br /> why things look the way they do. <br /> Frank Clifton noted that the county installed sewer lines in the Efland community and <br /> that sewer flow comes back to Hillsborough. The county has continued to service this and <br /> there have been efforts, over the years, to get Hillsborough to accept those utilities and they <br /> declined. This is the reason for the agreement that where the line interconnects with Mebane, <br /> they will serve the Efland area and the county will be out of the sewer business. <br /> 3. County Commissioners: Boards and Commissions Assignments <br /> Chair Jacobs reviewed the policy of the selection process as outlined on page 2 of attachment <br /> A. <br /> There was discussion and clarification of order of choosing. It was stated that Board <br /> members serving as officers would retain those positions unless they choose otherwise. <br /> There was discussion regarding boards that are currently not meeting. <br /> The Board chose the boards and commissions on which they wish to serve, as shown <br /> below: <br /> BOARD NAME MEETING DATE BOCC MEMBER BOCC <br />