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Chair Jacobs said there is a consensus about going forward with the community center <br /> and he said they can entertain a motion to go ahead with a community center. The motion is <br /> to continue the task force. He suggested talking about the motion, which is to continue the <br /> task force, if the community center has been addressed. <br /> Commissioner Price said with the task force, at least they are keeping the community in <br /> the dialogue. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin made a friendly amendment to the motion to continue the task <br /> force with the charge as follows: 1) finalizing the cost and installation of sewer and water <br /> utilities in the community; 2) analyzing options to prevent gentrification and consider the <br /> Chapel Hill SAP; 3) considering funding options related to Greene tract; and 4) monitoring the <br /> progress of construction and development of the community center and agreements related <br /> thereto. He would like to add to the sewer charge that the primary goal be to provide the <br /> sewer at no cost to the residents of the community. <br /> Commissioner Price accepted the friendly amendment. Commissioner Dorosin <br /> seconded. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he cannot support this motion because of gentrification. He <br /> said that the day the sewer is built, development will happen. To try to prevent the <br /> development impinges on the rights of the property owners. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she has concerns about gentrification and this is a vague <br /> term. She said that it would be better to look at the Small Area Plan (SAP). <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the motion is getting more complex, and it would better <br /> to vote the motion up or down now. <br /> Commissioner McKee said this is getting more convoluted and the focus should be on <br /> the community center and then what to do with the task force and the charge. <br /> Commissioner Price asked Commissioner McKee how he sees the task force <br /> prohibiting the center from moving forward. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he does not think the task force would slow down the center <br /> but it does not need to be a part of the task force if the County is going to build it. <br /> Commissioner Price said that she and Commissioner Dorosin would like to make sure <br /> the center gets built and to monitor that. She asked if Commissioner McKee would object if <br /> these two were on the task force, and Commissioner McKee said no. <br /> Chair Jacobs said Commissioner Dorosin's wording could be amended and he read: <br /> To continue the task force and update the charge: <br /> There are 4 parts to the charge: <br /> 1) Task force to look at final costs and provision for sewer and preference for no cost for <br /> Historic Rogers Road residents <br /> 2) Address gentrification <br /> 3) Consider funding options including the Greene Tract <br /> 4) Monitor progress on construction and development of the community center and <br /> agreements related thereto with the specifications outlined below: <br /> • The facility would be no larger than 4000 sq foot and would not exceed <br /> $700,000 <br /> • Long term low cost agreement with Habitat related to disposition and ownership <br /> of property <br /> • Interlocal agreement with managers that includes funding from the county and <br /> towns and the concept that the facility will be open to public <br />