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John Roberts said that this differs from the task force recommendation in that Habitat is <br /> not willing to donate the land. To be legally constructed, this cannot be a neighborhood facility <br /> only, but a public facility. <br /> Commissioner Price asked how much control RENA would have over the facility. <br /> John Roberts said that whoever they contract with must accept people from the general <br /> public. There must be equal access to the facility. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said that this Board has already committed $650,000 to build <br /> the building, whether the towns kick in money or not. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the Board of County Commissioners said it was committed to having <br /> it built even if it costs $650,000, whether anyone else contributed. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin made a friendly amendment to Commissioner Price's motion <br /> to instruct the Manager to make a deal with Habitat and to start with construction of the facility <br /> and ask the task force to commit to assisting with the operational expenses. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that the critical issue is that there have been multiple task <br /> forces and Chapel Hill did a small area plan that was never adopted/implemented. He said <br /> that these two issues need to be separated out—the sewer and the community center. He <br /> said that the community center is set and ready to go. The community center needs to move <br /> forward now. He suggested handing the community center to the staff and attorneys and they <br /> can take care of a lot of the technical questions. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier concurred with Commissioner McKee. She said the Board <br /> originally created the task force to get something done and if the towns are not going to <br /> participate on the center then she sees no need for a task force. The task force and Board of <br /> County Commissioners want to do the community center now and Orange County budgeted <br /> for it, so the towns need to budget something too. She is reluctant to create a new task force <br /> until the towns commit. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the Board wanted to talk about the outcomes and only one of them is <br /> the community center. He made reference to page 28, which is the draft recommendation to <br /> the Assembly of Governments from the task force, which specifically said that the costs would <br /> be shared between the County and the towns to build a community center. He said the <br /> County Commissioners can still move forward and make a request to towns to find a way to <br /> make the funding happen, but the County can still move forward. <br /> Commissioner Price said when she made a motion to move forward with the community <br /> center, it was to make sure this got done and not to hold things up. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she wanted to defend Chapel Hill Town Council. All Town <br /> Council members agreed to do this community center. She said Chapel Hill is not saying that <br /> it does not want to fund this. The Managers need to get together and create the interlocal <br /> agreement and move forward. She believes that the towns are already committed to this. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said sewer has always been the core issue facing the <br /> community along with water and the task force did not start talking about sewer until the end of <br /> the last six months. He said the task force has not resolved this issue and there is no funding <br /> model in place. He said this conversation needs to continue to happen and this is the critical <br /> issue. He thinks the task force needs to continue to resolve this issue of the sewer. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the community center is ready to go, and the task force <br /> may need to stay together for the sewer issue. <br /> Commissioner Rich said at all of the task force meetings they did talk about sewer <br /> issues and they did go a lot further than has been indicated here tonight. She said many <br /> elected officials may not be aware of how far these discussions have gone. She said as <br /> Commissioners that they need more information on a sewer authority and they would need to <br /> get more information from OWASA. <br />