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2006-2007 and she does not see where this action was actually adopted, but it was referred to <br /> the Board of County Commissioners. There were a lot of recommendations, but nothing was <br /> adopted. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said that the work is not done yet and the task force should not <br /> be shut down because it is built around community engagement. Regarding the community <br /> center, he does not understand Habitat's role in this. He thinks that the County should pursue <br /> owning the land and building the facility. He said that the process needs to be streamlined. <br /> He said that there has been a general consensus of providing sewer but no direction on <br /> funding. He said the way to do it is to decide to put sewer in the community or not and to pay <br /> for it or not and to decide to do this in the next six months. He said that if they do continue the <br /> task force he would like to be appointed as a member to the task force. He said that they <br /> need staff to be more creative on how to do some of these things. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the Board of County Commissioners is committed to <br /> Rogers Road and the discussion should be on the outcomes and then the best method to <br /> move these outcomes forward. She suggested looking at the recommendation, start with the <br /> community center, and then go to the sewer issue. <br /> Commissioner McKee agreed with Commissioner Gordon and said that the County <br /> Commissioners need to first discuss outcomes. He requested that the motion be withdrawn <br /> until after the discussion. The motion is valid, but he thinks that it is out of sync. <br /> Commissioner Price said that her motion stands and she still wants the task force to <br /> continue. <br /> John Roberts said that Habitat was involved because it is what the task force <br /> recommended. However, it would be cleaner if the County bought the land and then the towns <br /> could help fund the center. <br /> Michael Talbert said that the Board did approve $500,000 to move forward with a <br /> community center in the Rogers Road neighborhood. At the very next meeting, the $500,000 <br /> grew to $650,000. He said that originally Habitat was going to move the house but it was not <br /> feasible, so it evolved from a budget of$650,000 to two lots where Habitat wants to build on. <br /> There is temporary approval from the Town of Chapel Hill to move forward with the community <br /> center. There are continuing discussions with Habitat on how to make this work. If the two lots <br /> were taken out of the subdivision, the process with the Town of Chapel Hill would start over. <br /> Habitat wants to maintain control of the lot since it is part of their subdivision. Habitat does not <br /> want to be involved in the annual maintenance of the facility. There has been discussion <br /> about the towns contributing funds to this facility, but there have been no decisions. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked John Roberts to explain his letter and how it differs from <br /> what the task force suggested. <br /> John Roberts said that what they discussed recently is the streamlined approach and <br /> that the County is responsible for construction of the facility and there is no middle man. All of <br /> the entities have the same grant opportunities for recreational services and the County could <br /> offer this and all of the entities could participate. <br /> Commissioner Rich said that if that is the case, the County can move forward with a <br /> community center if this interlocal agreement can be created. <br /> Commissioner Rich said her goal is that there is action and something in place. <br /> Frank Clifton said the difficult issue they face is that when they get to a point, then <br /> someone brings up something and they are back at square one. He said if the County <br /> Commissioners wants the staff to move forward, then it should direct the staff to move forward <br /> with Habitat and an architect, and if the towns want to participate they can. If the County <br /> Commissioners want to get all on board before doing this then it will take longer. <br />