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Chair Pelissier said that the County Commissioners have done a lot of work on advisory <br /> boards and there was discussion about several things. She asked that when individuals leave <br /> advisory boards because of expired terms that the Chair writes a thank you letter. <br /> Also, she would like to have a different application process for the Planning Board, <br /> Equalization and Review, Board of Adjustment, and OWASA. These applications need to be <br /> more thorough. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that the Chair could have a letter sent to people who finish their <br /> terms without having it brought back to the Chair and the Vice-Chair. The second issue will be <br /> referred to the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Manager. <br /> 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> a. Proclamation Recognizing UNC Women's Soccer 2012 NCAA <br /> Championship <br /> The Board considered a proclamation recognizing the UNC women's soccer team for <br /> winning the 2012 NCAA Division I Women's Soccer National Championship and authorizing <br /> the Chair to sign. <br /> Chair Jacobs recognized UNC Women's Soccer Coach Anson Dorrance and the <br /> resolution honoring them. <br /> Commissioner Rich read the proclamation: <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> PROCLAMATION OF RECOGNITION ON <br /> UNC WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM WINNING THE <br /> 2012 NCAA SOCCER NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP <br /> WHEREAS, on December 2, 2012, the University of North Carolina women's soccer team <br /> captured the NCAA Division I Women's Soccer National Championship; and, <br /> WHEREAS, under the guidance of Head Coach Anson Dorrance, a member of the National <br /> Soccer Hall of Fame, UNC earned its 21St NCAA title, its 22nd national title overall <br /> since 1981; and, <br /> WHEREAS, the top-ranked Tar Heels completed the season undefeated in their final six <br /> games to finish with a 15-5-3 record; and, <br /> WHEREAS, by this 2012 victory, in a time when collegiate soccer has reached parity, UNC <br /> women's soccer continues to perform at the forefront of the sport; and, <br /> WHEREAS, UNC women's soccer has become legendary in the world of soccer, with many of <br /> its graduates representing the United States in the Olympics since women's <br /> soccer became an Olympic sport in 1996; and, <br /> WHEREAS, through hard work, dedication, teamwork, and commitment, the Tar Heels have <br /> brought honor upon themselves, the University of North Carolina, Orange County <br /> and the State of North Carolina; <br />