Orange County NC Website
January 16, 2013 <br /> Dear Orange County Commissioners: <br /> On Thursday, December 6, many Justice United members attended the Assembly of <br /> Governments meeting in great anticipation of affirmation of the resolutions adopted by the <br /> Rogers Road Task Force. The Task Force has been working for six months to move forward <br /> with fulfilling the last remaining items from the Mitigation Plan. We have been working with <br /> RENA for four years to fulfill the promises made to the community. <br /> The Task Force recommended that plans move forward with the community center <br /> construction with costs not to exceed $700,000. Habitat will be providing the two lots and <br /> guidance with the design of the structure. The County will lease the land to RENA who has <br /> prepared a business plan for ongoing maintenance of the building and program development. <br /> What remains is working out the lease agreements and memorandum of understanding before <br /> bidding can begin and the money allocated. <br /> The Task Force reported back to each jurisdiction during the six months to discuss how the <br /> costs would be divided by the County, Chapel Hill and Carrboro with agreement that the Green <br /> Track payments could continue with the same percentages currently in place to recoup the <br /> funds for the community center and the sewer line costs. The sewer lines are the largest <br /> expenditure and an agreement with the managers needs to be in place to move forward with <br /> funding and to provide direction to OWASA. In addition, the cost of connecting the lines to <br /> homes in the Rogers Road neighborhood must be determined otherwise we are not fulfilling <br /> the purpose of the Mitigation Plan which is to provide water and sewer service to this <br /> neighborhood that has lived with our garbage for the past 40 years and will continue for the <br /> next 30 years or more. <br /> The Task Force recommended that they remain in place for six more months to make sure that <br /> the projects are moving forward as planned. The Task Force would then report back to each <br /> jurisdiction the recommendation of the managers and lawyers once they have met and <br /> determined the legal and monetary requirements. <br /> There is no question that this is a complicated project. The most positive outcome of the <br /> meeting on December 6 is that you, the Commissioners, understood the complexity and the <br /> urgency of moving forward. We sincerely appreciate the leadership of Pam Hemminger and <br /> Valerie Foushee on the Task Force and agree with the recommendation that the Task Force <br /> remains in place for the sole purpose of assuring the Community Center and sewer plans are <br /> in place. As you heard, Task Force leaders believe that this will take no longer than six <br /> months. If possible, former Commissioners Hemminger and Foushee should be invited to act <br /> as the County representatives to assure continuity and to maintain the timeline. We look <br /> forward to your continued dedication to finally complete the mitigation plan and provide this <br /> community the services they deserve. <br /> On behalf of the Strategy Team of Justice United and Members of the Environmental Team, <br /> Tish Galu, Strategy Team Chair <br /> Margaret Misch read a prepared statement: <br />