Orange County NC Website
By way of example, I often talk to people about the benefit to our town of having the <br /> bus system provide service to University Mall or the intersection near Estes and Franklin. <br /> From those locations, riders can access Harris Teeter Grocery store, Walgreen pharmacy, the <br /> library, post office, banking, doctor's offices, and more. But to get to those locations from all <br /> but a couple of Chapel Hill's neighborhoods requires using multiple buses, a significant amount <br /> of walking and, quite frankly, a lot of time. <br /> For instance, for those living IN Southern Village, a mid-day trip to the library at 100 <br /> Library Drive using Chapel Hill Transit would take 2 hours and 5 minutes and involve taking 2 <br /> buses and walking 1.3 miles. Alternatively, the travel time can be reduced by using both TTA <br /> and Chapel Hill Transit buses, walking 1.65 miles and paying a $2.00 fare. <br /> From Meadowmont, a mid-day trip to the library takes a minimum of 1 hour and 10 <br /> minutes and involves 2 buses with 3 different walking legs. Two hours from Southern Village <br /> and an hour and ten minutes from Meadowmont— and those are only one way. Factoring in a <br /> round trip, then a one hour visit to the library for a meeting or to check out books turns into a 2 <br /> to 4 hour trip — assuming the buses are running on time. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a <br /> transit system that serves those without cars or who cannot drive. Nor is it a transit system <br /> that will get people out of their cars. And, as we look to the future, it is not a transit system that <br /> is aligned with our land use plans and economic goals because it does not efficiently or <br /> effectively serve Carolina North, new UNC healthcare sites or new retail and office at Ephesus <br /> Church Road. Tonight I ask that you ensure that your decisions tonight and in the future <br /> protect our existing bus service and provide for expansion of that service in ways that serve <br /> our community. <br /> You can do this in many ways: <br /> 1. Given that federal New Starts funding is several years away, explore whether it is <br /> possible to redirect some of the early sales tax dollars towards our local bus systems as <br /> a means for replacing buses or taking care of other much-needed transit projects. <br /> Given the fact that funding for new buses is 80% federal, 10% state and 10% local, <br /> redirecting the initial $3.3 million dollars in this first year could translate into $30million <br /> in new buses or equipment! <br /> 2. Make certain that overruns in TTA's Light Rail project, should it be approved, do not <br /> take away from funding for local bus services. <br /> 3. Make certain that, should the county collect excess transit sales taxes in the future that <br /> those funds are reallocated to local transit projects. <br /> 4. If federal funding for this project is not approved, I'd like to know your exit strategy. <br /> Thank you." <br /> Dave Carter read a prepared statement: <br /> Vehicle Tax is Unfair and Premature <br />