Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Gordon noted that there is no financial impact associated with this item <br /> for Orange County. <br /> Commissioner McKee made reference to the sections of private landowners and asked <br /> if there was intent to use imminent domain if negotiations break down and Kate Dixon said no. <br /> RES-2012-115 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> Resolution Urging the North Carolina Division of State Parks To Make Closing the <br /> Mountains-to-Sea Trail Gaps Within the Eno River State Park One of its Highest Priorities <br /> WHEREAS, North Carolina's Mountains-to-Sea Trail (MST) runs 1,000 miles from the Great <br /> Smoky Mountains to the Outer Banks to showcase North Carolina's natural, rural and cultural <br /> features; and <br /> WHEREAS, the MST is a unit of the State Park System created and maintained in partnership <br /> with local, state and federal governments and citizen groups; and <br /> WHEREAS, the existing and planned route of the MST from the Town of Hillsborough east <br /> follows the Eno River to Falls Lake and the Neuse River; and <br /> WHEREAS, the MST will stretch continuously for 150 miles between the Town of Hillsborough <br /> and the Town of Clayton when it is complete; and <br /> WHEREAS, all of the land for the MST in Durham and Wake counties and in Clayton from the <br /> Wake county line to Sam's Branch has been acquired and construction is expected to be <br /> complete by the end of 2013; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town of Hillsborough and Classical American Homes are now building a <br /> Riverwalk along the Eno River that is part of the MST; and <br /> WHEREAS, the only missing links in the trail route between Clayton and Hillsborough are in <br /> Orange County within the area identified for acquisition within the master plan for the Eno <br /> River State Park; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County is eager to see completion of a 150-mile continuous stretch of the <br /> MST from Clayton to Hillsborough; <br /> NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of Orange County <br /> urges the NC Division of State Parks to make closing the gaps within the trail in Eno River <br /> State Park one of its highest priorities. <br /> This the 11 th Day of December 2012. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> adopt the proposed resolution — Urging the North Carolina Division of State Parks to Make <br /> Closing the Mountains-to-Sea Trail Gaps Within the Eno River State Park One of its Highest <br /> Priorities. <br />