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Commissioner McKee said that the Millhouse site is two small tracts of three acres each <br /> and these are not large areas. He said that it would be put back after it was used and he does <br /> not have any problems with this. This is just planning ahead for something in the event of an <br /> emergency. <br /> Commissioner Price said that she was concerned about the conservation easement site <br /> and she wants to respect the owner's wishes of not having any solid waste on the site. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that the public should be confident that this would be done in the <br /> most environmentally friendly manner. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that the Board needs to start discussions about a conceptual plan for <br /> the Millhouse Road Park. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br /> 1) Endorse Site B - Future Northeast District Park site (5.28 acres) and Site C — Future <br /> Millhouse Road Park (expanded) site (approx. 14.9 acres) for inclusion in the Orange County <br /> Emergency Management Plan as temporary emergency storm debris management sites and <br /> authorize staff to proceed to obtain state permits for the sites; and 2) authorize the Manager to <br /> inquire with the Triangle Land Conservancy (TLC) as to whether TLC would be amenable to <br /> modifying the current conservation easement to allow use of the larger northern area of Site B <br /> - Future Northeast District Park property as a temporary emergency storm debris management <br /> site. These emergency sites would not be used longer than 6 months. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Support for Hillsborough to Clayton Segment of the NC Mountains-to-Sea <br /> Trail <br /> The Board received an update on the progress of establishing a continuous section of <br /> the NC Mountains-to-Sea State Trail from Hillsborough to Clayton (Wake County) and offered <br /> guidance as desired. <br /> DEAPR Director Dave Stancil said that this segment is from Hillsborough to the east. <br /> He introduced Kate Dixon, Executive Director of the Friends of the Mountains to Sea Trail. <br /> Kate Dixon, Executive Director of the Friends of the Mountains to Sea Trail, said that <br /> this trail is part of the state parks system. She made reference to the maps at the County <br /> Commissioners' places. She said that this is multi-governmental effort and it was proposed <br /> years ago, but did not take off until about 10 years ago. She said that the green area is the <br /> trail and the red on the map is where the trail is envisioned to go. She said that there is a lot of <br /> progress being made on the trail in our area. When the trail comes together from Hillsborough <br /> to Clayton there will be 150 miles of trail system. Hillsborough is working on a river walk, which <br /> will also be part of the MTST. She made reference to the draft resolution and said that there <br /> are gaps in the trail system within the Eno River State Park and this resolution is urging the N. <br /> C. Division of State Parks to make closing these gaps a high priority. She introduced Robin <br /> Jacobs of the Eno River Association. <br /> Robin Jacobs said that the Eno River Association is excited about the MTST because <br /> the association has been maintaining a lot of the trail within the park. She said that these gaps <br /> in the trails within the park are a high priority. She said that it would help for the County <br /> Commissioners to express support for this. <br /> Commissioner McKee noted that the first page of the abstract that this action has <br /> nothing to do with the planning corridor along the Bingham Township. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked what it would take to close the gaps. <br /> Kate Dixon said that it would involve land acquisition and a road. <br />