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A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Dorosin to <br /> request an annual update from TTA on the collection and disbursement of all taxes it is <br /> authorized to administer for the OCBRIP and authorize the Chair to sign the three resolutions. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; Nays, 0 <br /> Chair Jacobs said that he hoped that Triangle Transit would follow up about <br /> discussions about rural transit. <br /> b. Proposed Grant Submittal to the North Carolina Department of <br /> Transportation (NCDOT) — Targeted Transit Assistance Program (TTAP) <br /> The Board conducted a public hearing on a proposed grant submittal for North Carolina <br /> Department of Transportation (NCDOT) 5310 funds — Elderly Individuals and Individuals with <br /> Disabilities Program — and considered authorizing the Chair to sign the grant application and <br /> related certifications and assurances. <br /> Department on Aging Director Janice Tyler introduced this item. This grant submittal <br /> would address the need as identified in the 2012-17 Master Aging Plan (MAP): <br /> MAP Objective 2.5: Orange County will encourage transportation services that enable <br /> community mobility for older adults. Strategy 2.4.3 recommends that the Department on Aging <br /> in collaboration with the Orange County Planning Department designate an aging-related <br /> Mobility Manager to coordinate with other transportation providers to assist older adults across <br /> Orange County. <br /> The project is called STEAMM — Senior Transportation Expansion Access and Mobility <br /> Management. The STEAMM project is proposed as a collaborative venture between the <br /> Orange County Department on Aging, Orange County and Chapel Hill public transit systems <br /> and various other non-profits and faith based organizations within the County and volunteers <br /> who are willing to provide driving services to older adults. The total funding for the two-year <br /> period from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015 for mobility management is $153,802. The <br /> grant funding request to NCDOT for the two-year period would total $138,421 and the 10% <br /> local match over the two-year period would be $15,381. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Alex Castro is a member of the Advisory Board on Aging and he said that he has talked <br /> to people about the issue of transportation for the aging population. He said that he thinks that <br /> there are people that are willing to help out but there is a lack of organization. He said that <br /> there needs to be a mechanism in place to take advantage of the technology available to get <br /> this project going. He recommends the County consider applying for this grant. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> close the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> direct staff to develop the grant application and authorize the Chair to sign the grant <br /> application and related certifications and assurances, once completed by staff, for submittal by <br /> the December 28, 2012 deadline. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />