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Commissioner McKee said that if the Board passes this motion they would be making <br /> the same mistake they have been doing for years and getting the priorities out of order. He <br /> said that Orange County did not coordinate with the Towns regarding the plans for transit <br /> before approving the Implementation Agreement. He said that the County did not work in <br /> concert with the Towns. Also, the County approved the $7 vehicle registration fee that has not <br /> been levied. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that it is appropriate to consider recommendations to <br /> approve the three attached resolutions. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that the abstract is confusing and it does not lay the order of actions <br /> that Commissioner McKee is advocating. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said that it was not clear that Commissioner Gordon was making <br /> a motion to levy the fee. He echoed what Commissioner Gordon said about the agreements <br /> and negotiations that had been made and the vibrant discussion of the community. He said <br /> that it would represent bad faith if the Board now backtracked. He said that Orange County <br /> would get into a bad place as a community if they only want to pay taxes for services that they <br /> do not need. He said that a lot of people pay school taxes and they do not have children. He <br /> said that he is in favor of approving the resolutions. <br /> Commissioner Price said that she is leaning toward Commissioner McKee's concerns. <br /> She said that the vehicle registration fee is a burden to some people. She said that there <br /> needs to be more robust bus service. She said that it is a lot of money to put into light rail at <br /> this time. <br /> Commissioner Rich said that she was on the Chapel Hill Town Council and they spoke <br /> about this plan in depth. She said that it is her understanding that the first monies that come in <br /> will go to bus transit. Wib Gulley verified this. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked how quickly the funds will be coming in and Wib Gulley said <br /> that it would be as soon as summer or early fall. <br /> Commissioner Rich said that she is strongly in favor of this and she is excited to vote <br /> for this. <br /> Commissioner Price said that the rural areas of the County are not getting the bus <br /> service that they deserve. She is really concerned that most of the funds are going to Chapel <br /> Hill. She would like to see more because Hillsborough and Efland have grown. There needs <br /> to be a more comprehensive bus service in this area. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that Chair Pelissier could not be here tonight but she has been <br /> supportive of this plan throughout. He made reference to Commissioner Gordon's point that <br /> the Board has already made all of these decisions. He said that there will be more robust bus <br /> service as the additional funds come forward. He suggested that these concerns be made <br /> known to Triangle Transit. He said that the light rail system will particularly serve workers. He <br /> said that he does not believe Triangle Transit has been forthcoming about implementing park <br /> and ride lots in Cedar Grove, Buckhorn, and the Eno EDD. These things are planned. He said <br /> that everything they do is not a quid pro quo and is not always based on where we live. He <br /> said that it is a group effort. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that he would suggest that the Board look at the second page of the <br /> abstract and the first decision is approving the '/2-cent transit tax; the second decision would be <br /> the $7 vehicle registration fee, which has two options and Commissioner Gordon made a <br /> motion regarding which option to use; and the third decision would be the $3 Triangle Transit <br /> vehicle registration tax. <br /> Commissioner McKee agreed with Commissioner Rich that the future is now. He said <br /> that approximately 30,000 people in Orange County said `no' to the '/2-cent sales tax. He <br /> made reference to the $7 vehicle registration fee and said that he is not aware of any other fee <br /> where people without access to cars will have to pay a fee for a service that will be provided <br />