Orange County NC Website
busses or transportation for me to make my deliveries to the other end of the county from my <br /> farm. How will this increase benefit me or my neighbors? Please do not impose more cost to <br /> the residents of this county. <br /> From: Rachel Hawkins <br /> Phone Number: 919-732-9820 <br /> Message: <br /> It is with regret that I must say that I can see no benefit to the Northern Orange County <br /> residents (past Hillsborough city limits that the transit system will accommodate so very few <br /> that I really do not believe we should levy that tax. <br /> If the people in Chapel Hill and town of Hillsborough want transit - they should be the ones <br /> levied. As for the other remaining population in Orange County - they are struggling to pay <br /> health increases, tax increases, food increases, housing increases, gas increases, upcoming <br /> electric bill increases, etc. To add more taxes and more taxes is NOT the solution and it would <br /> NOT benefit MOST of the citizens of Orange County. I see EMPTY buses WAITING for riders <br /> every day, and they make their run religiously. People are not taking advantage of this service <br /> NOW, so what would be the difference. I know the economics are felt in 20 years, but right <br /> now - I would like to suggest you HOLD off...on the NEW Vehicle TAXES and the Transit Tax <br /> leverage. Thank you. <br /> From: Jason Baker <br /> Sent: Dec 10, 2012 12:33 PM <br /> Subject: Please vote to levy funds for our transit future <br /> Dear Chairman Jacobs and members of the County Commission, <br /> I am unable to attend Tuesday's hearing on taking the next steps in the implementation of the <br /> transit plan, but want to ask you to move swiftly to allow the collection of desperately-needed <br /> money for our transit future. Let's start collecting these funds as soon as possible. <br /> I have heard that you may have been lobbied by a small but vocal segment of the community, <br /> who opposed the transit plan in the first place, to delay you implementation of the transit <br /> revenue streams. I implore you to recognize this for what it is, a mere stalling tactic, and to <br /> move with haste to implement the will of the voters. <br /> The transit plan is a huge investment, for sure, but a crucial one. Every extra day delayed <br /> in implementing the plan sets us back. The time for action is now. Yes, there will be hiccups <br /> along the way, but the plan which you have helped to build is solid, and now has the proven <br /> support of the voters. The pressures of climate change, social inequity, and economic woes <br /> won't cease building if the plan is delayed, but our ability to combat them will undoubtedly <br /> suffer if we don't begin to set aside money immediately. I have faith, as you should, in your <br /> own ability to work through any issues which may arise, in consultation with your staff and the <br /> steadfast help of our local and regional partners. You have far more options for control of our <br /> transit infrastructure with money in hand than without. <br /> Please move us forward tomorrow night. Thank you. <br /> Jason Baker <br /> PO Box 14 <br /> Chapel Hill, NC 27514 <br />