Orange County NC Website
2) Duties and Responsibilities of the NDP Medical and Program Directors. The duties and <br /> responsibilities of the NDP Medical and Program Directors under this Agreement are as <br /> follows: <br /> i) Directly supervising the TTS and collaborating with the OCHD and OCG HR team in <br /> design and implementation of educational and outreach programs and activities; <br /> ii) Directing data review and subsequent population management strategies; <br /> iii) Documenting the medical treatment rendered to OCG employees; <br /> 3) Duties and Responsibilities of the Tobacco Treatment Specialist(TTS).The duties and <br /> responsibilities of the TTS under this Agreement are as follows: <br /> L Providing initial assessment and follow-up for OCG employees who enroll in <br /> program to become tobacco free; <br /> ii. Collaboratively develop and implement tobacco use educational outreach <br /> efforts to employees of the county; <br /> iii. Coordinating employee appointment scheduling and coordination of care; and <br /> iv. Appropriately documenting medical treatment rendered to Orange County <br /> Government employees <br />