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3 <br />in the development and adoption of the Smoke Free Public Places Rule. They will also answer <br />any questions the members of the governing boards may have about the Rule. <br />Staff will provide any other information at the meeting, and the governing boards can discuss <br />issues related to this item as necessary. <br />No Attachments <br />4. Solid Waste /Recycling <br />a) Discussion on Process to Develop New Interlocal Agreement <br />In 1999 Orange County, Carrboro, Chapel Hill and later Hillsborough entered into an interlocal <br />cooperation agreement for the management of solid waste. The Towns' and County attorneys <br />have jointly determined that upon the June 30, 2013 closure of the Orange County MSW <br />Landfill, the Interlocal Agreement effectively terminates with regard to the provisions related to <br />MSW. Given the limited extent to which the current Interlocal Agreement addresses the <br />management of recyclable materials and Construction and Demolition (C &D) waste, it was <br />suggested that if the County and Towns desire some level of cooperation to continue, a new <br />Interlocal Agreement should be developed. <br />In December 2010 the BOCC established a Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement Work Group with <br />appointments made by all four jurisdictions. The Work Group has not been activated in part due <br />to uncertainty with regard to outcomes of the Town of Chapel Hill's comprehensive analysis of <br />its solid waste services and programs. Given that negotiations of a new Interlocal Agreement, <br />should the jurisdictions desire one, could take several months, it may be advisable to <br />immediately reactivate the Work Group (or establish an alternative process) to begin work <br />creating this new document. <br />Town and County staffs have met several times in the past three -four months discussing <br />various issues and elements that could /should be addressed in a new agreement and had <br />recently come to preliminary conceptual agreement on a framework for a new agreement, <br />pending discussions with the Town and County Manager's and now pending recycling services <br />funding determinations. It was intended that the conceptual staff agreement would be shared <br />and discussed with the staffs of Carrboro and Hillsborough before proceeding further. The Solid <br />Waste Advisory Board (SWAB) has previously commented on the issue of a new Interlocal <br />Agreement on several occasions. The issue of an Interlocal Agreement was also discussed at <br />the January 26, 2012 and the December 6, 2012 Assembly of Governments (AOG) meetings. <br />Staff will provide any other information at the meeting, and the governing boards can discuss <br />issues related to this item as necessary. <br />No Attachments <br />b) Town of Chapel Hill's Solid Waste Plans <br />The Town of Chapel Hill will provide an update on its solid waste plans at the meeting. The <br />governing boards can discuss issues related to this item as necessary. <br />