Orange County NC Website
RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the scheduling of <br />a public hearing to discuss a proposal to move toward a county -wide Franchise agreement for <br />curbside Solid Waste and Recycling Services in the unincorporated areas of Orange County for <br />April 23, 2013 and direct staff to proceed with the various steps required in NC General <br />Statutes. <br />NOTE: There are several elements to this process that will require coordination with Town <br />governments, the existing recycling contractor, existing private waste collection in rural Orange <br />County and others. If the process ends in a decision to move forward to `privatize ` curbside <br />collection services, the existing fees charged by the County for these services will be eliminated <br />and residents will voluntarily participate in curbside solid waste and recycling services provided <br />by a private contractor on an individual fee basis established via the franchise agreement <br />process. <br />