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Community Design Workshop <br />For the Task Force to further develop its vision, the Town contracted with the Durham <br />Area Designers (DAD) to host a workshop in the Summer of 2008. The information <br />from early Task Force meetings provided a foundation for this interactive process. The <br />community design workshop was on Saturday, June 7, 2008. The objective was to find a <br />community consensus for components of the proposed small area plan. <br />The Components of a small area plan include: <br />• Land use guidelines <br />• Appearance guidelines <br />• An expanded multi-modal transportation network <br />• Infrastructure improvements <br />• Community development strategies <br />The workshop included a presentation describing the community and introduced tools <br />and concepts for use during the workshop. Attendees divided into three teams desig- <br />nated A, B, and C. Two members of the DAD Urban Design Assistance Team were at each <br />team table to facilitate the work and provide design assistance for visualizing the team <br />members' ideas. <br />The workshop included two design sessions at which each team developed ideas. These <br />ideas included a new road and trail network, suggestions for types of development in <br />specific areas of the community, and plans for preservation of Rogers Road's unique <br />cultural heritage. After each of the design sessions, each team shared its ideas with the <br />group. This process allowed ideas to become the property of each team as it molded its <br />conceptual plan of future development in the Rogers Road community. The individual <br />plans developed by each team are included in Figure 8 on page 16. <br />21 <br />From the analysis of the different schemes developed at the design workshop, the <br />Urban Design Assistance Team proposed a plan for both land use and open space <br />as well as written recommendations. This work was presented to the task force and <br />workshop attendees at a meeting on July 31, 2008, at which time the findings and the <br />proposed land use plan were presented for discussion and approval. The final land use <br />plan (Figure 9) and recommendations are presented in the next section. <br />