Orange County NC Website
12 <br />In addition to the day -to -day responsibilities, since I started employment the following has been <br />accomplished: <br />• Helped teach a UNC School of Government course, Managing Tax & Finance Offices <br />• Selected to present at the NC Assessors Association fall conference <br />• Accepted the reassignment of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Department to the <br />Tax Office, and developed a process to learn their roles and responsibilities <br />• Completed the billing process for 2012 property taxes <br />• Started a monthly division managers' meeting to open lines of communication <br />• Hired vacated management positions and trained accordingly <br />• Began working on the Durham County line <br />• Trained staff on public utility appraisals <br />• Reviewed current policies and procedures for improvements including: <br />• Mailing address correction form <br />• Evaluated document scanning companies <br />• Revisited policies of refunds /releases <br />• Helped move the tax office forward in preparing for the "Tag and Tax" law <br />• Began preliminary work on 2015 revaluation <br />• Asked to serve on the Orange County IT Governance Council <br />• Met with Town of Hillsborough to evaluate the possibility of the tax office billing and <br />collecting new special assessments <br />• Worked with staff to redesign the annual listing forms to follow state - approved format <br />• Reorganized the motor vehicle billing and assessment division from the collections <br />division into the assessing division <br />• Developed a social media presence via Twitter and Hootsuite <br />• Working to pioneer a live chat communication system with the public <br />• Developing public information email distribution list <br />• Established a new organizational structure for the assessment division, creating a real <br />property appraisal section and personal property appraisal section <br />