Agenda - 03-19-2013 - 7b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-19-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 03-19-2013 - 7b
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Last modified
6/9/2015 11:13:53 AM
Creation date
3/15/2013 10:19:24 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 03-19-2013
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6. SITE CONDITIONS, ALLOWANCES, AND <br />CONSTRAINTS: The site has a significant utility <br />easement that will need to be negotiated. The <br />parcel also lacks significant road frontage. An <br />existing NCDOT drainage easement could <br />complicate access. <br />6. SITE CONDITIONS, ALLOWANCES, AND <br />CONSTRAINTS: The site has significant visible <br />rock outcroppings as well as wet areas and tree <br />cover, all of which will need to be confirmed with <br />further analysis. The proximity of the cemetery <br />poses unique challenges to the development of <br />the property. <br />K <br />Attachment 4, "Southern Branch Library Site Locator' depicts all three sites relative to one <br />another and existing public transportation routes and stops. Both suggested sites are viable <br />and offer unique challenges and opportunities. Staff prefers 1128 Hillsborough Road site as it <br />offers greater options with respect to the development of a library in a manner consistent with <br />the BOCC's guiding principles, and may be a more appealing site if considered as part of a <br />larger parcel that includes the adjacent Carrboro park property. Staff believes that a "land - <br />swap" or other land -use partnership with the Town of Carrboro utilizing the park property may <br />be necessary for success. <br />Staff continues to anticipate the Town of Carrboro will address and resolve any and all zoning <br />related issues associated with the development of either the 1128 Hillsborough Road (or 401 <br />Fidelity Road site). Staff recommends the County ask the Town to ensure a public, government <br />operated library be considered a permitted use (i.e. administrative review /approval of a site <br />plan) for either of the afore - mentioned properties without requiring a rezoning or other similar <br />`heightened' review /permitting process. Further, the County may ask the Town to consider <br />waiving the various fees associated with the review of the library from a site plan <br />review /approval standpoint. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There are sufficient funds available for the in -depth study on both <br />suggested properties. The costs for each parcel's study are estimated at $10,000 to $15,000. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board receive the update, <br />provide feedback on next steps, and authorize staff to present this information and relevant <br />BOCC comments to the Carrboro Board of Aldermen at its April 9, 2013 work session. <br />
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