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These improvements will allow White Cross to adhere more closely to National Fire Protection <br />Association (NFPA) 1720 standards for rural fire protection that addresses response times, on <br />scene staffing, and available water supply. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The incurred costs are: 1) $250,000 for purchasing and construction of <br />the substation financed for 30 years through the Local Government Federal Employees Credit <br />Union @ 3.45% interest rate ($14,000 annual payment); and 2) $250,000 for purchasing and <br />equipping one (1) tanker financed for 10 years through the Local Government Federal <br />Employees Credit Union @ 2.99% interest rate ($28,000 annual payment). <br />The ongoing operating costs are: Salary $11,000, Utilities $3,000, Fuel $4,500, Building and <br />grounds maintenance $2,000, and insurance $4,000. <br />The total needed revenue to complete these improvements is $66,500. If these improvements <br />are approved by the BOCC, White Cross will be requesting a fire tax rate increase from .07 <br />cents to .088 cents (1.8 cents), effective July 1, 2013. As a reference, the White Cross tax rate <br />rose from five (.05) cents in FY 2007 -08 to six (.06) cents in FY 2008 -09. The rate rose to its <br />current level of seven (.07) cents in FY 2011 -12. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the proposal <br />from the White Cross Fire Department for the construction of Station #2, purchase of one (1) <br />tanker, and staffing two (2) firefighters per day in the White Cross Fire District. <br />