Agenda - 03-19-2013 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-19-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 03-19-2013 - 5a
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Last modified
6/9/2015 11:03:22 AM
Creation date
3/15/2013 9:42:38 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 03-19-2013
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7 <br /> 1 From Meadowmont, a mid-day trip to the library takes a minimum of 1 hour and 10 <br /> 2 minutes and involves 2 buses with 3 different walking legs. Two hours from Southern Village <br /> 3 and an hour and ten minutes from Meadowmont— and those are only one way. Factoring in a <br /> 4 round trip, then a one hour visit to the library for a meeting or to check out books turns into a 2 <br /> 5 to 4 hour trip —assuming the buses are running on time. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a <br /> 6 transit system that serves those without cars or who cannot drive. Nor is it a transit system that <br /> 7 will get people out of their cars. And, as we look to the future, it is not a transit system that is <br /> 8 aligned with our land use plans and economic goals because it does not efficiently or effectively <br /> 9 serve Carolina North, new UNC healthcare sites or new retail and office at Ephesus Church <br /> 10 Road. Tonight I ask that you ensure that your decisions tonight and in the future protect our <br /> 11 existing bus service and provide for expansion of that service in ways that serve our community. <br /> 12 You can do this in many ways: <br /> 13 1. Given that federal New Starts funding is several years away, explore whether it is <br /> 14 possible to redirect some of the early sales tax dollars towards our local bus systems as <br /> 15 a means for replacing buses or taking care of other much-needed transit projects. <br /> 16 Given the fact that funding for new buses is 80% federal, 10% state and 10% local, <br /> 17 redirecting the initial $3.3 million dollars in this first year could translate into $30million in <br /> 18 new buses or equipment! <br /> 19 <br /> 20 2. Make certain that overruns in TTA's Light Rail project, should it be approved, do not <br /> 21 take away from funding for local bus services. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 3. Make certain that, should the county collect excess transit sales taxes in the future that <br /> 24 those funds are reallocated to local transit projects. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 4. If federal funding for this project is not approved, I'd like to know your exit strategy. <br /> 27 Thank you." <br /> 28 Dave Carter read a prepared statement: <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Vehicle Tax is Unfair and Premature <br /> 31 <br /> 32 "I'm Dave Carter and have spent a lot of time talking to our citizens over the last year. It <br /> 33 is my impression that our citizens not only do not understand the transit plan - but they are <br /> 34 unaware of the fee or what it will be used for. <br /> 35 Today, nearly every county in North Carolina - including Charlotte, charges residents <br /> 36 $28 to register a car. Randolph County charges $29. Since Triangle Transit has already added <br /> 37 $5 to the fee, Orange, Durham and Wake residents pay $33. Tonight you are considering <br /> 38 adding $10 - that's a total increase of 50%. <br /> 39 Over 23 years, the fee produces $22 million - or about 3% of the transit's $600 million in <br /> 40 funds. <br /> 41 The vehicle fee is a small portion of the funds and places an inappropriate burden on <br /> 42 many residents who will not be served by transit and who rely on the cars to get to work or <br /> 43 transport their families. Rural residents who tend to have more vehicles per household will <br />
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