Agenda - 03-19-2013 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-19-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 03-19-2013 - 5a
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Last modified
6/9/2015 11:03:22 AM
Creation date
3/15/2013 9:42:38 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 03-19-2013
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6 <br /> 1 individuals/families transitioning out of these facilities into rental housing. Most in this transition <br /> 2 phase have jobs —jobs that barely support them. But almost all do not own cars as they cannot <br /> 3 afford the cost of the car, the upkeep, the insurance, or the licensing. These are the individuals <br /> 4 that need public transportation to get to their jobs and do their shopping. I know and have <br /> 5 worked with these families that are currently taking buses to their work — but for some —a 15-20 <br /> 6 minute car ride takes 2 hours or more to get to work and three bus changes. And because <br /> 7 these individuals work on Sundays —there is no bus service at all. Some have relied on taxi <br /> 8 service —which can cost most of their salary for that day! Or they lose the opportunity to work <br /> 9 on the weekend. And the same thing happens when bus service is reduced when school is out. <br /> 10 Since 60% of the cost of the bus service is currently supported by UNC, they have tailored the <br /> 11 service to students. But when the students are not in school, it does not mean that the workers <br /> 12 are not there! The workers are the forgotten entity in this agreement. The hospital is still open <br /> 13 7 days week and UNC staffs are still working when students are not there. In addition the <br /> 14 hospital and school is expanding their clinics and campus outside Chapel Hill. And workers in <br /> 15 our community need the transportation to get to their work that may not be at UNC. That said, <br /> 16 we are very pleased that the plan now includes some service on Sundays and when school is <br /> 17 not in session, but it does not go nearly far enough to meet the needs of the residents of our <br /> 18 community. The current setup of lines needs to be expanded so residents can access the bus <br /> 19 lines to go work, shopping, or the library more easily. When it takes two or three bus changes <br /> 20 and an hour or more just to go shopping at the grocery store—you're not likely to choose this <br /> 21 route. What it does is deter you from using the bus because of the way the lines are currently <br /> 22 set up. The "hub" is currently the hospital/UNC. We need to determine where there should be <br /> 23 more "hubs" in the community and start to realign the plan to meet the needs of those that can <br /> 24 and want to utilize the bus lines. And of course align them with Durham's and other bus lines to <br /> 25 have an integrated plan. <br /> 26 The transit plan needs to be evaluated to assist those who need transportation to work, <br /> 27 to shop and to live in Orange County. This is your opportunity to look at funding significantly <br /> 28 increased service for increased use by our residents not just the students, to reevaluate the <br /> 29 plan to meet the needs of the entire community. Now is the time for better research, better <br /> 30 planning and better allocation of the money for this project to truly meet the needs of our <br /> 31 community. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Jeanne Brown read a prepared statement. <br /> 34 "I am a resident of southern Chapel Hill and, as a visually impaired individual who is <br /> 35 unable to drive, I am a transit supporter. During the past year I was a regular participant in the <br /> 36 Chapel Hill 2020 "Getting Around" group which focused on transportation issues. As a group, <br /> 37 including our staff liaisons, we agreed that Chapel Hill Transit does a good job of serving the <br /> 38 UNC/UNC healthcare downtown campus but did not feel that it does a good job serving the <br /> 39 broader community. <br /> 40 By way of example, I often talk to people about the benefit to our town of having the bus <br /> 41 system provide service to University Mall or the intersection near Estes and Franklin. From <br /> 42 those locations, riders can access Harris Teeter Grocery store, Walgreen pharmacy, the library, <br /> 43 post office, banking, doctor's offices, and more. But to get to those locations from all but a <br /> 44 couple of Chapel Hill's neighborhoods requires using multiple buses, a significant amount of <br /> 45 walking and, quite frankly, a lot of time. <br /> 46 For instance, for those living IN Southern Village, a mid-day trip to the library at 100 <br /> 47 Library Drive using Chapel Hill Transit would take 2 hours and 5 minutes and involve taking 2 <br /> 48 buses and walking 1.3 miles. Alternatively, the travel time can be reduced by using both TTA <br /> 49 and Chapel Hill Transit buses, walking 1.65 miles and paying a $2.00 fare. <br />
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