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11 <br /> 1 Frank Clifton said that recommendation `B' would be the preferred option. <br /> 2 Commissioner Gordon said that if the Board approves recommendation `B', then the <br /> 3 agreement should be no longer than four years and then it should be reviewed. <br /> 4 Commissioner Rich said that there is something that states there will be a review of the <br /> 5 allocation formula yearly. She asked what allocation this includes. <br /> 6 Frank Clifton said that the agreement on the $7 fee is based on the existing funds for <br /> 7 transit. The distribution formula itself will be reviewed annually. <br /> 8 Commissioner Gordon said that she acknowledged what has been said tonight and that <br /> 9 there were arguments on both sides. She said that in their comments about the plan people <br /> 10 made important points. She said that the situation is that Orange County has signed the Bus <br /> 11 and Rail Investment Plan and approved it, and it has approved the Implementation Agreement <br /> 12 and the Cost-Sharing Agreement. The other part of this relates to levying the fee now or <br /> 13 waiting until next year. <br /> 14 Wib Gulley said that the funds raised in Orange County are from four different funds <br /> 15 going into the plan and he listed these: <br /> 16 - 1A-cent sales tax <br /> 17 - $7 vehicle fee <br /> 18 - $3 increase in the regional vehicle registration fee <br /> 19 - rental cars that are attributed to Orange County <br /> 20 Wib Gulley said that the $7 comes to the County by statute is required to be spent on <br /> 21 transportation. He said that the control is within the plan that has been adopted. He said that <br /> 22 the question is really administration of the fees. <br /> 23 Commissioner Gordon said that there is a way to change the agreements. She said that <br /> 24 there are three entities that have to agree to change the agreements: Orange County Board of <br /> 25 County Commissioners, Triangle Transit, and the DCHC MPO TAC. <br /> 26 A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Rich <br /> 27 to choose Option B: <br /> 28 Orange County creates an agreement with the NCDMV for direct disbursement of <br /> 29 revenues to TTA with similar reporting as noted above each November, and that this agreement <br /> 30 be for a period not longer than four years. The period of time would be coordinated with the <br /> 31 four-year review specified in the Implementation Agreement. <br /> 32 Commissioner Gordon asked Frank Clifton if it would be best to specify the timing. <br /> 33 Frank Clifton said that he would need to work with NCDMV and staff can work this in. <br /> 34 Commissioner McKee said that if the Board passes this motion they would be making <br /> 35 the same mistake they have been doing for years and getting the priorities out of order. He <br /> 36 said that Orange County did not coordinate with the Towns regarding the plans for transit <br /> 37 before approving the Implementation Agreement. He said that the County did not work in <br /> 38 concert with the Towns. Also, the County approved the $7 vehicle registration fee that has not <br /> 39 been levied. <br /> 40 Commissioner Gordon said that it is appropriate to consider recommendations to <br /> 41 approve the three attached resolutions. <br /> 42 Chair Jacobs said that the abstract is confusing and it does not lay the order of actions <br /> 43 that Commissioner McKee is advocating. <br /> 44 Commissioner Dorosin said that it was not clear that Commissioner Gordon was making <br /> 45 a motion to levy the fee. He echoed what Commissioner Gordon said about the agreements <br /> 46 and negotiations that had been made and the vibrant discussion of the community. He said <br /> 47 that it would represent bad faith if the Board now backtracked. He said that Orange County <br /> 48 would get into a bad place as a community if they only want to pay taxes for services that they <br /> 49 do not need. He said that a lot of people pay school taxes and they do not have children. He <br /> 50 said that he is in favor of approving the resolutions. <br />