Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> 1 areas. To me this is just another way of giving some and not all a "free ride". I as a farmer, am <br /> 2 taxed to death as it is. I pay this county over $4000.00 in taxes now and that's just property <br /> 3 taxes. Seeing as how I own several tagged vehicle's, I'll also be paying more too. I hope you all <br /> 4 see fit to vote all these taxes down for now. "Working" people have a hard enough time making <br /> 5 ends meet now. If these taxes pass, you all are doing nothing but enabling "entitlement". <br /> 6 <br /> 7 From: Carol Carden <br /> 8 Phone Number: 9197328018 <br /> 9 Message: <br /> 10 You all plan to vote on some new vehicle tag fees this evening and this citizen would like to say <br /> 11 I am VERY much against these fees! Why is it that the citizens of rural Orange County have to <br /> 12 continually support the needs of Chapel Hill???!!! The vehicle tag fees that you will be <br /> 13 considering tonight benefit only those in Chapel Hill and do nothing for the rural citizens! <br /> 14 <br /> 15 I've worked in Chapel Hill for 25 years now and very rarely take advantage of the transit system <br /> 16 in this town. If Chapel Hill needs money for the Transit System they need to go back to selling <br /> 17 bus passes like they did years ago. The transit system is basically for the students anyway, so <br /> 18 have them buy bus passes to use the transit. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Rural citizens can NOT afford to bear another burden of Chapel Hill and the greedy <br /> 21 commissioners from Chapel Hill. It saddens me to see our county overrun by folks who weren't <br /> 22 even born here! Native citizens to this county are now the minority but yet we are asked to <br /> 23 support those who MOVED here from other states. I wish you all would go back to where you <br /> 24 came from! <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Sincerely, <br /> 27 Carol Carden <br /> 28 <br /> 29 <br /> 30 From: Renee Parker <br /> 31 Phone Number: <br /> 32 Message: <br /> 33 Dear Commissioners, <br /> 34 Please consider what you may or may not impose on the people in this county with the <br /> 35 proposed vehicle tag fees or tax increase. Is it really fair to tax the whole county and only part of <br /> 36 it will benefit (Chapel Hill)? I live in rural Northern Orange Co. I do not have access to busses or <br /> 37 transportation for me to make my deliveries to the other end of the county from my farm. How <br /> 38 will this increase benefit me or my neighbors? Please do not impose more cost to the residents <br /> 39 of this county. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 From: Rachel Hawkins <br /> 42 Phone Number: 919-732-9820 <br /> 43 Message: <br /> 44 It is with regret that I must say that I can see no benefit to the Northern Orange County <br /> 45 residents (past Hillsborough city limits that the transit system will accommodate so very few that <br /> 46 I really do not believe we should levy that tax. <br /> 47 If the people in Chapel Hill and town of Hillsborough want transit - they should be the ones <br /> 48 levied. As for the other remaining population in Orange County - they are struggling to pay <br /> 49 health increases, tax increases, food increases, housing increases, gas increases, upcoming <br /> 50 electric bill increases, etc. To add more taxes and more taxes is NOT the solution and it would <br />