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RES- 2013 -018 <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION OF RECOGNITION AND APPRECIATION FOR THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />EMERGENCY SERVICES WORKGROUP <br />WHEREAS, on January 24, 2012, the Orange County Board of Commissioners created the <br />Emergency Services Workgroup with a charge to: review VIPER system improvements and <br />provide input; review the preliminary findings of Solutions for Local Government, Inc. and provide <br />input; provide the Board with alternative short -term and long -term solutions relating to Fire <br />Protections Districts, Fire Insurance Districts and Fire Tax Districts; and review the Fire <br />Departments Strategic Plan once complete and provide input; and <br />WHEREAS, the Workgroup was charged with making recommendations for system <br />improvements for EMS Ambulance response times including but not limited to equipment, staffing, <br />facilities and /or a strategic plan, to define data elements for meaningful analytical data as related <br />to ambulance response time and to discuss and review that data and to recommend <br />improvements for the E911 Communications Center including but not limited to technology, <br />equipment, staffing, training and /or a strategic plan; and <br />WHEREAS, the Emergency Services Workgroup, comprised of a diverse membership <br />representing residents and the many facets of emergency services in Orange County, gave of <br />their time and expertise for over 12 months, to this Workgroup and the members of this <br />Workgroup represented significant experience and expertise in emergency response services: <br />• Volunteer Fire Chiefs — Orange County Fire Chief's Association — Mike Tapp and <br />Bryan Baker <br />• South Orange Rescue Squad — Chief Matthew Mauzy <br />• Municipal Fire Chief — Town of Chapel Hill Fire Chief Dan Jones <br />Alternate — Police Chief Chris Blue <br />• Municipal Police Chief — Town of Carrboro Police Chief or Designee — Captain <br />Walter Horton <br />• Municipal Police Chief — Town of Hillsborough Police Chief or Designee — Police <br />Chief Duane Hampton <br />• Orange County Sheriff — Sheriff or Designee — Sheriff Lindy Pendergrass <br />Alternate — Captain James Nida <br />• Former Emergency Services Director Frank Montes de Oca <br />• Board of County Commissioners — Commissioner Earl McKee <br />Alternate — Former Commissioner Valerie <br />Foushee <br />• County Medical Director — Dr. Jane Brice <br />• Orange County Resident At -Large — Jane Cousins <br />WHEREAS, the Emergency Services Workgroup has completed its charge and submitted <br />recommendations to the Board; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners hereby <br />commends and thanks the Emergency Services Workgroup on its efforts to find consensus and <br />balance on numerous competing and controversial issues facing emergency services in Orange <br />County and hereby recognizes these members for their community spirit, expertise and dedication <br />to improving the quality of emergency services for all residents of Orange County. <br />This the 19th day of March 2013. <br />Barry Jacobs, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />M <br />