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easement interest in the Protected Property. <br /> 13 . Assignment. The parties hereto recognize and agree that <br /> the benefits of this easement are in gross and assignable, and <br /> Grantee hereby covenants and agrees that if it transfers or assigns <br /> the easement it holds under this indenture, the terms of the <br /> transfer or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee <br /> will be required to 'continue to carry out in perpetuity the <br /> conservation purposes that the contribution was originally intended <br /> to advance. <br /> 14 . Extinguishment. Grantors hereby agree that, at the time <br /> of the conveyance of this Conservation Easement to Grantee, this <br /> Conservation Easement gives rise to a real property right, <br /> immediately vested in Grantee, with a fair market value of the <br /> Conservation Easement as of the date of the conveyance that is at <br /> least equal to the proportionate value that this Conservation <br /> Easement at the time of the conveyance bears to the fair market <br /> value of the property as a whole at that time . That proportionate <br /> value of Grantee' s property rights shall remain constant . When a <br /> change in conditions takes place which makes impossible or <br /> impractical any continued protection of the Protected Property for <br /> conservation purposes, and the restrictions contained herein are <br /> extinguished by judicial proceeding, Grantee, upon a subsequent <br /> sale, exchange or involuntary conversion of the Protected Property, <br /> shall be entitled to a portion of the proceeds at least equal to <br /> that proportionate value of the Conservation Easement. Grantee <br /> shall use its share of the proceeds in a manner consistent with the <br /> conservation purposes set forth herein or for the protection of a <br /> stream buffer as that phrase is defined by the Orange County Zoning <br /> Ordinance. <br /> 15 . Eminent Domain. If or whenever all or part of the <br /> Protected Property is taken by an exercise of eminent domain by <br /> public, corporate, or other authority so as to abrogate the <br /> restrictions imposed by this Conservation Easement, Grantors and <br /> Grantee shall join in appropriate actions at the time of the taking <br /> to recover the full value of the taking and all incidental or <br /> direct damages resulting from it, and the proceeds shall be divided <br /> in accordance with the proportionate value of Grantee' s and <br /> Grantors' s interests, and Grantee' s proceeds shall be used as <br /> specified above . All expenses incurred by Grantors and Grantee in <br /> such action shall be paid proportionately to their respective <br /> interests out of the recovered proceeds . <br /> 16 . Miscellaneous Provisions . <br /> 16 . 1 Severability. If any provision of this Conservation <br /> Easement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance <br /> is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of this <br /> Conservation Easement and the application of such provisions to <br /> persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found <br /> to be invalid shall not be affected thereby. <br />