2000 S Solid Waste - Acceptance of Grant for Wood Waste Processing
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2000 S Solid Waste - Acceptance of Grant for Wood Waste Processing
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Last modified
4/17/2013 11:16:30 AM
Creation date
3/12/2013 8:38:21 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-06-2000-8e
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DIVISION OF POLLUTION PREVENTION & ENVIRONMENTAL ASSISTANCE <br /> GRANT FINAL REPORT FORMAT <br /> Procedures: <br /> One month prior to the end of the grant contract, please submit a draft final report to your NC DPPEA <br /> contact. If you are not sure whom your DPPEA contact person is,call (800) 763-0136 or(919)715-6500 <br /> and ask for someone on the Community and Business Assistance Section staff. <br /> Your DPPEA contact will review the draft report, note necessary changes or additions, and return it to <br /> you for modification. When all the modifications are made, submit the final report back to DPPEA along <br /> with a final invoice requesting grant funds still unreceived,and receipts, P.O.s or other documentation of <br /> expenditures. <br /> Report Format: <br /> Follow the format described below in writing your final report. Do not submit the report in the form <br /> of a letter. The final report must have a title at the top saying: "Final Report" and"[the name of the <br /> Grant] for[Name of your Agency or Company],"plus the beginning and end dates for the grant. Write <br /> at least one paragraph for each of points 1 through 7 below,with headers for each paragraph identifying <br /> the paragraph topic. <br /> 1. Description of project accomplishments. <br /> 2. Assessment of adherence to contract Scope of Work(or modified Scope of Work if negotiated). <br /> 3. Evaluation of success of the project(i.e.,did the project meet its goals). <br /> 4. Description of unanticipated events(negative and positive)in conducting the project. <br /> 5. Description of what you would do differently if you could do the project over again. <br /> 6. Description of the waste reduction impact of the grant(e.g., amount and kind of materials recycled). <br /> Please include if possible an exact projection of how many tons of permanent annual diversion of <br /> materials from disposal will take place as a result of the grant project. <br /> 7. Description of any materials developed as a result of the project(e.g., brochures,fact sheets, <br /> mailings, or other documents). Please attach copies of the materials and copies of any press or <br /> publicity articles related to the grant project. <br /> 8. Number of jobs created as a result of the project. <br /> Other Final Report Requirements <br /> 1. Please submit all drafts and the final report double-sided and on recycled paper. <br /> 2.Attach a final fiscal report that outlines project costs and shows state fund and matching fund <br /> expenditures(including the cash match, in-kind contributions,and other funds). The format should be <br /> similar the to following table. Total revenues and expenditures should match exactly. <br /> Revenues: Expenditures: <br /> State funds: $$$ Line items for each kind of expenditure <br /> Local cash match: $$$ $$$ <br /> Local in-kind match: $$$ $$$ <br /> Funds from other sources: $$$ $$$ <br /> Total Project revenues $$$ Total Project Costs <br />
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