Orange County NC Website
t <br /> WHEREAS,the findings of the 1994 NC Health Study Commission found that insuring all North <br /> Carolinians was financially feasible. <br /> WHEREAS, HR 1396: <br /> - would not require that the state become a health care provider or insurer, <br /> - would not prescribe any particular mechanism to meet the obligation of providing access to health <br /> care for all, <br /> - would not expose health care providers to lawsuits just because they refused to provide care for a <br /> specific individual who demands it, <br /> - would not require that the state provide health care to illegal aliens, and <br /> WHEREAS,HR 1396 would put the proposed constitutional amendment on the ballot giving the <br /> citizens of North Carolina the chance to express their will on this issue in November and if passed <br /> require that the General Assembly provide a plan to ensure access to appropriate health care on a <br /> regular basis for all residents of North Carolina, and <br /> THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF <br /> COMMISSIONERS THAT: <br /> 1. We publicly endorse HR 1396 and support its passage by both houses of the North Carolina <br /> General Assembly during the 1999-2000 session so that the question of a constitutional <br /> amendment may be posed to the people of North Carolina during the general election in <br /> November 2000. <br /> 2. A copy of this resolution will be sent to Governor Jim Hunt, Senator Marc Basnight, President <br /> Pro Tempore, Rep. Jim Black, Speaker of the House, Rep. Bill Culpepper, Chairman of the <br /> House Rules Committee, and to the members of the North Carolina General Assembly who <br /> represent this county. <br />