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23 <br /> consummation of the Transaction Nos. 1 and 2, consider in <br /> any ongoing renewal proceeding, the past performance of <br /> TWEAK and TWI to the extent permitted under 47 U.S.C. §546, <br /> as if it were the past performance of TWEAK and AOL-TW. <br /> 5. TWEAN and the franchise shall be subject to the <br /> Franchising - Authority's most recently adopted cable <br /> standard ordinance. <br /> 6. TWEAK and AOL-TW agrees that the revaluation of <br /> the cable system assets, if any, resulting from Transaction <br /> Nos. 1 and 2 shall not be the basis 'for any future rate <br /> increases for any regulated cable service, including, - but <br /> not limited to, basic cable service, equipment rentals and <br /> installation costs. <br /> 7. This Resolution shall become effective on the <br /> date of its passage but shall be automatically rescinded if <br /> not accepted by TWEAN, within- thirty (30) days of passage. <br /> 8. Within thirty days following the adoption of this <br /> Resolution, franchisee shall pay the sum of $10,000 to the <br /> Franchising Authority to reimburse _ the Franchising <br /> Authority for its expenses in connection with this <br /> transfer. <br /> 9. TWEAK and AOL--TW shall provide nondiscriminatory <br /> access to the franchisee's cable modem (digital) platform <br /> for providers of internet, online services, and other video <br /> and digital services, whether or not I such providers are <br /> affiliated with TWEAK or AOL-TW. <br /> 10. TWM and• AOL-TW shall make video programming on <br /> its cable system available to subscribers on reasonable <br /> terms and conditions for program providers and without <br /> discriminating among program providers based upon their <br /> affiliation or nonaffiliation with TWEAN or AOL-TW. <br /> 4 <br />