Minutes - 20080417
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20080417
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Last modified
3/17/2016 11:04:57 AM
Creation date
8/27/2008 4:47:42 PM
Meeting Type
Budget Sessions
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Agenda - 04-17-2008-1
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Commissioner Foushee said that some of the outside agencies are beginning to request <br /> that their requests be considered outside of this process because there is concern that they will <br /> be left out since they do not fit under human services. <br /> Commissioner Gordon agreed that this was all under Outside Agencies, but the problem <br /> was that the category was increasing a lot, and the Board decided to have a targeted dollar <br /> amount. She appreciates the work of the HSAC and that it was so thorough. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that part of the problem is that if people perceive that they do not want <br /> to be in the human services category, then the Board needs to think about how to categorize. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the County needs to make sure that what agencies ask for is <br /> used for what they want to achieve. <br /> Emily Adams said that the HSAC recognized this as the first phase in a process. The <br /> goal is to refine the criteria. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that the HSAC did a good job of noting the pitfalls of the current <br /> process, which is a valuable contribution. <br /> Laura Blackmon asked for feedback from the Board on the recommendations. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that he would like to fully fund the requests of HYAA, Orange <br /> Enterprises, and Piedmont Wildlife. He would also like to see an explanation when there is a <br /> recommendation not to fully fund. Commissioner Foushee agreed. <br /> • Emily Adams said that Orange Enterprises asked for$10,000 less this year because it <br /> asked for an additional $10,000 last year to cover a specific cost. Regarding Piedmont Wildlife, <br /> the service area included areas outside of Orange County. Although they value this <br /> organization, there was discussion about getting other county agencies, specifically Durham <br /> County, to support their portion of the services. Regarding Hillsborough Youth Athletic <br /> Association, there was a concern that this organization was not reaching the entire community. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if there was any communication with the non-profits regarding the <br /> preliminary conclusions. Assistant County Manager Gwen Harvey said that they sent a notice <br /> to agencies today with a link to the web with this recommendation information. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that if there were only two that were being cut, then it would be easy <br /> for staff to contact them. He said that all of the County Commissioners got an email from HYAA <br /> about their efforts to try and recruit more minority participants. He said that it might be helpful to <br /> have this communication to the non-profits that got cut before this comes back to the Board. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the Board of County Commissioners could make a decision <br /> that it will fund them in full, but send a letter to let them know about the problems associated <br /> with funding them in full in the future. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that he likes this approach about funding and then informing <br /> the agencies of the issues of concern next year. <br /> Emily Adams said that the HSAC would be willing to work with HYAA on the recruiting <br /> efforts. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the UNC-CH Department of Psychiatry and <br /> said that it was not exactly an outside agency. Usually, this funding would be on a contract <br /> basis. She would like a justification for the $100,000 recommendation. Emily Adams said that <br /> this funding is for the STEP Clinic, which works with schizophrenics in the community and it is <br /> specifically for Orange County residents. She said that the HSAC asked the OPC-LME to <br /> review the mental health applications. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked staff to look at this question as a precedent. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked that OPC be involved in the process of designing the <br /> performance standards for the mental health requests. <br /> Gwen Harvey said that there is one outside application from Club Nova for outsourcing <br /> their database and client management system. This request is not to be confused with the <br /> previous request for service subsidy funds. <br />
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