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non-conforming if the City of Durham were to annex the area. Also, the focus was economic <br /> development and not necessarily residential development. <br /> Chair Jacobs made reference to page 66 and asked why amusement parks and arcades <br /> were not allowed. He said that there is a golf driving range right up the road. He asked if there <br /> was some reason why people did not want this. Commissioner Foushee did not recall this <br /> conversation. Craig Benedict said that Durham's code does not allow this, so the <br /> recommendation was consistent with Durham's code. Staff will research this. <br /> Perdita Holtz made reference to the currently adopted future land use map and the area <br /> south of US 70, which has some economic development district parcels. This would be in a <br /> mixed use area, so it would allow residential. <br /> Michelle Kempinski requested that for the June 4th Planning Board meeting, she would <br /> like to invite any of the task force members and the community members. She would also like <br /> for staff to provide a short summary of how this new plan would interact with the existing EDD <br /> Design Manual. <br /> Renee Price asked about the industrial uses that are anticipated. Perdita Holtz said that <br /> zoning would govern the specific uses in that industrial area. There is no specific zoning <br /> amendment at this time, but the chart on pp. 61-67 shows the uses that the task force was <br /> anticipating. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked at what point the County would take the necessary step to <br /> create an Economic Development plan. For example, there could be a focus here on IT or <br /> research, such as a spin-off of RTP. He said that these conversations should have already <br /> taken place. <br /> Commissioner Gordon agreed with Commissioner Nelson's point and said that it is <br /> imperative that a list of target industries be developed. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that this conversation can begin now that there is a new <br /> Economic Development Director. <br /> Economic Development Director Brad Broadwell started work for Orange County today. <br /> He said that he read through the plan today and he has a good feel for the intention of the <br /> County and the intention of the people involved in these serious issues. He said that, from an <br /> economic development standpoint, the County has assets, and one of them is the Research <br /> Triangle Park. He said that this EDD is a natural extension of RTP. He said that this location <br /> should be marketed to those tenants in RTP. He does envision a technology base here. <br /> Jay Bryan said that he hoped that those involved in the task force would be able to <br /> participate in the next step. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> acknowledge that the public hearing will remain open until the Planning Board review and <br /> comment at which time the public hearing is closed; refer the item to the Planning Board for <br /> review and comment to be returned no later than June 9, 2008; and direct staff to place the draft <br /> plan on the June 24, 2008 BOCC regular meeting agenda for adoption consideration. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 2. SUP-A-2-08 Farm Montessori School: REVIEW of a Class A Special Use Permit <br /> (hereafter 'SUP) application proposing the development of a private, Montessori, <br /> school facility at 711 Terry Road (SR 1573) (TMBL 5.10..22 / PIN 0806-76-4683). <br /> The property in question is located within the ENO Township, is approximately <br /> fourteen and a half (14 1/2) acres in area, and is zoned Agricultural Residential (AR) <br /> Lower Eno Protected Watershed Overlay. <br />