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are reviewed and prioritized. Additionally, a placeholder has been added to the Unfunded <br />Schedule to lease space for Central Office staff. This continues to be an issue that requires <br />attention. <br />The Unfunded New Schools and Facilities schedule has also been updated. The November <br />15, 2012 SAPFO projections have been certified and indicate the need for new schools as <br />follows; Middle School 45 in 2017 -18, High School additions in 2020 -21, and Elementary <br />School 412 in 2021 -22. This represents a delay form last year's CIP in the need for another <br />elementary school while the middle school and high school needs remain the unchanged. <br />The Unfunded New Schools and Facilities schedule also includes additions at existing middle <br />schools that have long been identified as unfunded capital needs. The McDougle Middle <br />School auditorium and Culbreth Middle School Science wing are listed. <br />Last year the Board approved funding to develop a plan to meet the need for Science Labs at <br />Culbreth Middle School. As a result, a comprehensive plan has been developed that adds a <br />new Science Wing to the school. The plan locates 6 science classrooms on the east side of <br />the building. In addition to classrooms, the science wing plan includes necessary support <br />space, assembly and display areas, bathroom facilities, and adjacent exterior areas devoted to <br />nature studies. Copies of the floor plan and schematics are attached. The Science Wing <br />addition was developed with input from the science teachers, Department of Public <br />Instruction standards, professional associations, UNC Professor of Science Education, and <br />private industry science professionals. <br />Construction of the Science Wing requires the Town of Chapel Hill to issue a Special Use <br />Permit (SUP). The SUP review period is approximately 9 months. Plans have been filed <br />with the Town and the SUP review process is underway. A cost estimate for the building <br />addition is included in the Unfunded New Schools and Facilities schedule. The construction <br />of the science wing would likely increase the capacity of Culbreth Middle School which <br />would likely result delaying the need for a new middle school. The proposed CIP <br />recommends requesting full project funding from the County Commissioners. <br />In preparing the CIP, the schools' 2012 -13 Capital Budget Requests have been reviewed. <br />The status of these requests is indicated on each submission. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: As outlined in the proposed CIP. <br />PERSONNEL IMPACT: None <br />RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the resolution <br />RESOLUTION: Be it, therefore, resolved that the Board of Education approves <br />of the 2013 -23 Capital Investment Plan and authorizes a formal <br />request for funding of the Culbreth Science Wing to the Orange <br />County Board of Commissioners. <br />C:ADocuments and Settings\Administrator \Desktop \Webdocs \DA \CIP \CIP Abst.doc 3 <br />