Orange County NC Website
M <br />Proprietary Projects — Highlights <br />Water & Sewer Utilities — Year 1 (FY 2013 -14) reflects continuation (work began in FY 2012 -13) <br />of the McGowan Creek Pump Station rehabilitation project costs ($621,250) in the Central <br />Efland /North Buckhorn Sewer Expansion project, in order to take advantage of remaining State <br />Revolving Loan funds. Year 2 (FY 2014 -15) reflects funds of $3,426,000 of the Buckhorn EDD <br />— Phase 2 Extension ( Efland Sewer Flow to Mebane) for construction of this project. This <br />project has been moved up one year from the previously approved CIP. Funds of $1,750,000 <br />are recommended in Year 2 (FY 2014 -15) for the construction work on the Eno EDD project, <br />and funds of $2,500,000 are recommended in Year 3 (FY 2015 -16) for the Buckhorn- Mebane <br />Phase 3 and 4 construction projects. Both of these projects have been moved back one year <br />from the previously approved CIP. <br />Solid Waste — includes recommended funds of $3.16 million in Year 1 (FY 2013 -14) for <br />construction closure costs associated with the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfill. The <br />Landfill closes on June 30, 2013, but the construction closure costs will occur during FY 2013- <br />14 due to the delay by the State on approval of the closure plan. Recommended funding for <br />Recycling Operations has changed significantly from the previously approved CIP, with funding <br />based on a plan to move to franchising /privatization of curbside services. <br />Sportsplex — includes funding in Year 2 (FY 2014 -15) for a Mezzanine addition at the pool area <br />to include dedicated member change areas and lockers, workout rooms, and a senior /adult <br />cardio strength center. The operator of the facility has proposed two new projects, which are <br />included in Years 3 and 4. A new building addition is proposed in Year 3 (FY 2015 -16) at a cost <br />of $1,900,000 that would house an indoor turfed field for soccer, lacrosse, senior walking, <br />running, kidsplex functions, and kickball. A second new building addition is proposed in Year 4 <br />(FY 2016 -17 at a cost of $900,000 that would house a regulation sized high school /college <br />basketball court, including bleacher seating. The operator's revenue projections from these <br />new projects would generate enough funds to cover the additional annual debt service needed <br />for these projects. <br />School Projects — Highlights <br />Chapel Hill- Carrboro City Schools — Based on the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance <br />(SAPFO) most recent November 15, 2012 projections, a new Middle School #5 would be <br />needed in FY 2017 -18, so funds are recommended in Years 2 -5, with most of the construction <br />funds in Year 4 (FY 2016 -17) to accomplish this target opening date. Pay -As- You -Go (PAYG) <br />funds are estimated at a 1.5% annual growth rate and the Lottery Proceeds are held constant <br />throughout the 5 -year CIP period. <br />Orange County Schools — Consistent with the current approved CIP, funds of $3,328,750 are <br />recommended in Year 2 (FY 2014 -15) for the construction of an auxiliary gym at Cedar Ridge <br />High School, as well as recommended funds of $12,282,960 in Year 3 (FY 2015 -16) for the <br />construction of a 20 classroom addition wing to address over capacity issues at Cedar Ridge <br />