Agenda - 03-07-2013 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-07-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 03-07-2013 - 7a
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Last modified
6/9/2015 10:43:37 AM
Creation date
3/4/2013 4:53:26 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 03-07-2013
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2013
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M <br />hereby accept as market of the county the use of the Farmers Market Pavilion as described more <br />fully herein. <br />SECTION ONE <br />GRANT OF LICENSE: DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES AND HOURS OF OPERATION <br />The County hereby grants to the Market a license to occupy and use the County owned <br />facility commonly known as the "Orange County Farmers Market Pavilion" (henceforth, "the <br />Pavilion ") located in River Park, directly behind the Orange County District Attorney's Office at <br />120 East Margaret Lane, Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />The Market shall be permitted hereby to occupy the Pavilion as follows: <br />(A) Every Saturday throughout the term of this Agreement during the hours of 6:00 AM -1:00 <br />PM, with the exception of one Saturday each year when Hog Day will use it, and one Saturday <br />every three years for use by the Orange County Egg Hunt. The potential for joint use of the <br />Pavilion by the Market and Hog Day and the Orange County Egg Hunt will be explored by <br />Market officers and staff to determine if the exception can be waived. These exceptions shall be <br />scheduled at the discretion of County and conveyed at least 60 days in advance to the Market; <br />and <br />(B) Up to three (3) additional days and times throughout the calendar year to serve such <br />specialty and holiday markets on a "first come first served" basis, with initial opportunity for <br />scheduling of Market events during the annual agreement discussion, as scheduled and pre - <br />approved by the Director of Orange County Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and <br />Recreation, or his /her designee; and <br />(C) In the event of a public emergency situation in which the Pavilion is needed for County <br />use during a time scheduled for Market use, the County may temporarily suspend the terms of <br />this License Agreement without penalty to the County or the Market and without such <br />suspension being deemed a breach of this License Agreement. <br />The County hereby agrees not to schedule other events at the Pavilion during the times <br />and dates set forth in subsections A- B above. The County further agrees to make utilities <br />(including power and water) available at the market house to be included in the license rate and <br />to provide the market with access to the restrooms and water fountain located near the Pavilion <br />during the times and days listed above, and for up to three special events sponsored by the <br />market as described in Section One (B) above. <br />
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