Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: March 7, 2013 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 6 -b <br />SUBJECT: Draft Orange County Comprehensive Transportation Plan <br />DEPARTMENT: Planning and Inspections PUBLIC HEARING: (Y /N) Yes <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />1. January 24, 2013 BOCC Public <br />Hearing Comments on Comprehensive <br />Transportation Plan <br />2. OUTBoard Recommended Revisions <br />3. Excerpt from Draft February 20, 2013 <br />OUTBoard Minutes <br />UNDER SEPARATE COVER <br />4. Draft CTP (113 pages) <br />5. Adoption Sheet and Four Maps <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Tom Altieri, 245 -2579 <br />Abigaile Pittman, 245 -2567 <br />Craig Benedict, 245 -2592 <br />PURPOSE: To receive the Orange Unified Transportation Board's recommendation, close the <br />public hearing, and make a decision on the draft Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) for <br />Orange County's rural areas. <br />BACKGROUND: Orange County approved a resolution in June 2009 endorsing completion of <br />a CTP for rural Orange County. The study is being completed through a coordinated effort <br />among the Orange Unified Transportation Board (OUTBoard), Orange County planning staff, <br />Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization (TARPO), Durham - Chapel Hill - Carrboro Metropolitan <br />Planning Organization (DCHC MPO), and the North Carolina Department of Transportation <br />(NCDOT). <br />WHAT IS THE CTP ?: The CTP consists of a technical report and four maps: 1) Highway; 2) <br />Public Transportation; 3) Bicycle; and 4) Pedestrian. It is not fiscally constrained and <br />incorporates local interests, community goals, and statewide needs in a common multi -modal <br />plan. Much like the County's Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map, the CTP <br />represents a long -range vision. Implementation will be incremental and funded through a <br />variety of sources, a majority of which will need to be identified in the future based on the <br />availability of State and Federal funding. <br />WHAT AREA DOES THE CTP COVER ?: The draft Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) <br />covers the rural portions of the County, generally defined as the area outside of Carrboro, <br />Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, and Mebane (See attached maps for specifics). <br />