Orange County NC Website
24 <br />e. Efforts to put Orange County's historic property survey data on the web <br />Sandbeck provided update on his efforts to work with the County's IT staff and others to put the county <br />historic properties inventory on the County website. He discussed his interest in creating an open portal <br />to receive and share information as has been done in Durham. Sandbeck said he will prepare a <br />demonstration for HPC members to consider at a future meeting. Golan reiterated his interest in <br />completing a historic architecture book for Orange County and suggested using a group such as the <br />LULU website to print books on a pay -as- you -go basis as Dunaway is doing for his new publication. <br />f. Old County Courthouse study and long range preservation plan <br />Due to the late hour, this item was tabled for discussion at a future meeting. <br />g. BOCC review of HPC annual report at Jan. 29th work session <br />Dickinson said he planned to attend the upcoming BOCC work session during which the BOCC will <br />review the HPC's annual report and work plan. Shaw said this would be an opportunity for Dickinson to <br />share any information or planned initiatives with the commissioners. Dickinson said he and Sandbeck <br />would meet in advance to prepare for the meeting. <br />ITEM #8: ADJOURNMENT <br />Dickinson adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:40 pm. <br />Meeting summary by Rich Shaw, DEAPR staff <br />IR <br />