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c) Corbinton Commons — Next Steps (Hillsborough Planning) <br /> Margaret Hauth said that this development is on US 70 bypass and is just over <br /> 40 acres. The land is currently zoned R20 and the developer is requesting <br /> rezoning and a special use permit to the mixed residential/special use district that <br /> was created specifically for retirement centers. The revised plan shows 40 <br /> assisted living beds with a possibility for a small addition in the future. There will <br /> also be 120 apartments and 75 single-family and duplex units. There are a few <br /> conditions that need to be inserted before it moves forward. <br /> Chair Brown asked if this project would be exempt from paying taxes. Margaret <br /> Hauth said no and that they are a for—profit enterprise. <br /> d) Meadowview— Next Steps (Hillsborough Planning) <br /> Margaret Hauth said that this is a retirement center across from Heritage <br /> Apartments on Orange Grove Road. This is just less than 35 acres and the <br /> hearing was April 22nd on the revised plan. The plan is for 60 assisted living <br /> beds, 192 apartments, 30 patio homes, and 40 condominium units. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if this was an area where the courtesy review <br /> agreement kicks in. Margaret Hauth said that they have received comment from <br /> County staff before the public hearings. Craig Benedict said that they have sent <br /> memos to the Board of County Commissioners as well as emails with comments. <br /> It was a fast turnaround and they need to work on a process for this. <br /> Mark Sheridan said that they have been learning a lot about retirement centers <br /> and there is a pronounced need for this in northern Orange County. However, he <br /> struggles with the density issue. <br /> Margaret Hauth explained the certificate of need. Certain types of senior <br /> housing, particularly the assisted living and the skilled nursing facilities, must <br /> receive a certificate of need from the State or be exempted from the process. <br /> The exemptions and certificates expire and have to be reapplied for. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked Craig Benedict to work with Margaret Hauth on this <br /> so that the County Commissioners have the opportunity to make comments. <br /> Michael Gering said that they have received good advice from the Department on <br /> Aging's Advisory Board. <br /> 8. Public Projects <br /> a) Fairview Park— Next Steps (Orange County Recreation & Parks and ERCD) <br /> Rich Shaw from the Environment and Resource Conservation Department gave <br /> an update on the master plan for Fairview Park and reported that the Town of <br /> Hillsborough and the County have had two joint meetings this spring thus far. <br /> One of the outcomes of the meetings was a staff evaluation (hand out). Another <br /> product of the meetings was a draft memorandum of understanding between the <br /> Town and the County. The next steps are to determine the short term <br /> opportunities for the use of this property while at the same time continuing to <br />