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Paul Thames said that we went through the driest year in recorded history (80 years) <br /> last year and the stream flow was one third what it was the next driest year. The thing to <br /> remember is that Hillsborough's water usage was half a million gallons less than it was <br /> when the capacity use agreement was adopted. Also, Hillsborough had the reservoir <br /> online for the first time last year. <br /> 6. Building and Erosion Control/Stormwater Service Agreement (Orange <br /> County and Hillsborough Planning) <br /> Craig Benedict said that presently Orange County provides services for Hillsborough <br /> relatively informally. There is a lot more activity now since the informal agreement and <br /> there needs to be more formality. The draft agreement gives an identification of what <br /> type of service needs may be anticipated in the coming year. The next steps would be <br /> to look at the interlocal agreements fashioned about a year ago and send them to the <br /> attorneys, managers, etc. to get a clearer identification of services provided by the <br /> County to Hillsborough. <br /> Mayor Phelps asked about the building permits and the changing of codes and if this <br /> was a smoother process now. Craig Benedict said that they are in the process now and <br /> it has caused some delays. <br /> 7. Private Projects Updates (a, c, and d were done first by Margaret Hauth) <br /> a) Waterstone — Next Steps (Hillsborough Planning) <br /> Margaret Hauth, Hillsborough Planning Director, said that they would be <br /> receiving information at the next Town Board meeting in terms of annexation and <br /> the special use permit request. <br /> b) The Preserve— Next Steps (Orange County Planning) <br /> Craig Benedict said that the property owner is now interested in finding out what <br /> type of development is feasible from the County and the Town. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about plugging the development into the amended <br /> courtesy review process. Craig Benedict said that this project would fit into that <br /> process. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked Ron Holdway about the spray irrigation <br /> wastewater system and whether or not it would take a full time operator. He is <br /> torn because he wonders if we are doing greater damage to the environment by <br /> forcing developers to go into a self-contained wastewater package treatment <br /> system. He asked if there was an environmental impact statement on this. Ron <br /> Holdway said that they did not know enough about this yet. He made reference <br /> to the handout. Regarding the overall impact, he said that they would have to <br /> see a more comprehensive plan that includes buffers. The developers have <br /> designated a new area that was not originally on the plan as a potential spray <br /> area, but there is not a designation of a buffer. There is not enough information <br /> for a precise review. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked if the staff was capable of making a decision on <br /> water and sewer versus a self-contained package treatment plant. Craig <br /> Benedict said that they could look from a design standpoint. <br />