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Commissioner Halkiotis said that they have come a long way since 1987 when <br /> there were children with their parents in the superior courtroom and the parents were <br /> looking for help. This is a great testimony for the Partnership. This is one group he <br /> enjoys serving with. He asked about the worst-case scenario for cuts this year in a <br /> dollar amount. Michele Rivest said that in the year 2003-04, they have included a 10% <br /> cut for Smart Start, which is about $320,000. The best news is in the Governor's <br /> budget, which is only a 4% cut for Smart Start. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that it almost looks like a deliberate plan from <br /> people in Raleigh to do away with Smart Start. <br /> Chair Brown made reference to a program with legislators and John Locke said <br /> that the More at Four efforts did not have any proven statistical analysis. Michele <br /> Rivest said that there is research in science that shows that this is a successful effort. <br /> High quality childcare always leads to success in school. <br /> Chair Brown asked Michele Rivest to talk about mental health reform. Michele <br /> Rivest said that they are looking into it and meeting with some of the community <br /> agencies. The impact from the mental health reform will be on ages 0-3 and it will be <br /> hard to keep the programs going for this age. All services are going to be funneled <br /> through the Developmental Evaluation Center in Durham. Chair Brown asked her to <br /> keep them up to date on this issue. <br /> With no further items to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. <br /> Margaret Brown, Chair <br /> Donna S. Baker <br /> Clerk to the Board <br />