Minutes - 20030505
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030505
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/27/2013 10:39:46 AM
Creation date
2/27/2013 10:18:42 AM
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Agenda - 03-05-2003 -
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2003\Agenda - 03-05-2003\Agenda - 03-05-2003
Agenda - 03-05-2003 - 5a
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Agenda - 03-05-2003 - 5b
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Agenda - 03-05-2003 - 6a
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Agenda - 03-05-2003 - 8a
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Agenda - 03-05-2003 - 9a
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determine what would be necessary to make the portions that were formally used <br /> as a landfill available for use and what is needed to remediate the areas. <br /> Mark Sheridan said that where they ended up was getting letters of interest from <br /> people who would be interested in working on this project. They would like to get <br /> part of it underway, but they do not know what has been out there in the landfill, <br /> and there needs to be some remediation. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the boards could adopt an MOU and start <br /> working on co-locating there and then start building on parts that are definitely <br /> safe. <br /> b) Potential Cates Creek Corridor(Orange County ERCD) <br /> Rich Shaw said that the ERCD has been asked about possible conservation and <br /> recreational trail opportunities for this area through the Lands Legacy program. <br /> He showed the property on a map. <br /> Mark Sheridan said that we will need more space like this as Hillsborough gets <br /> busier- (and if you go to the end of Millstone Road off of Old 86 and walk behind <br /> OCIM- it is beautiful) and it would make for a nice joint planning project. <br /> Chair Brown asked the staff how to proceed on this and to share information with <br /> the Town of Hillsborough. <br /> c) Justice Facilities — Next Steps (Orange County Purchasing) <br /> Purchasing Director Pam Jones reviewed the committees that are to be <br /> appointed but the County has had to put plans on hold because of funding <br /> constraints and now with the new financial MUNIS system being installed and <br /> implemented. But she said that she hopes to have committees to the Board by <br /> the end of June. The architect should be on board by the end of the calendar <br /> year. <br /> d) Durham Tech Satellite Campus — Next Steps (Orange County Purchasing) <br /> Pam Jones said that there are two County Commissioners on this selection <br /> committee (Commissioner Halkiotis and Commissioner Carey) and that the <br /> timeline is to select a site by fall, 2004. Staff has chosen some sites to show to <br /> the Board of County Commissioners by the end of the calendar year. <br /> e) NCDOT Work— Churton Street New Signalization System (Orange County <br /> Planning) <br /> Craig Benedict said that this is a NCDOT Project, which involves re-installing <br /> traffic lights on the Churton Road corridor. These lights are also tied into an <br /> electronic system to monitor traffic flow. This will allow DOT to be able to adjust <br /> the lights seasonally, or as traffic patterns dictate. But there are limitations on <br /> this road. He suggested that we all give the system time to be fine tuned as DOT <br /> gathers information from the system in order to help the traffic in this area flow <br /> more smoothly. <br /> f) Hazard Mitigation Program (Orange County Planning) <br /> Craig Benedict said that Orange County has worked with Hillsborough and <br /> Carrboro on a cooperative Hazard Mitigation plan that was submitted to the <br />
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