Orange County NC Website
Pa 8 <br /> 2. Design phase. <br /> a. A design consultant shall be selected by and under contract with <br /> OWASA to develop plans for the Project.The design shall be based on specifications and <br /> requirements provided by OWASA. Both parties shall approve the scope of work for the <br /> design consultant. <br /> b. The costs of the design work shall initially be paid for by OWASA. <br /> The County shall periodically reimburse OWASA for all costs associated with the design <br /> of the Project. <br /> c. In order to ensure proper and effective project management, the design <br /> consultant and any sub-consultants shall report to OW _ ff who shall work closely <br /> with County staff to ensure the County's require the 'ect are met. In the <br /> event of any apparent conflicts between th , d OWASA's requirements,the <br /> parties shall work together to F bl' ompromise and accommodations for the <br /> Project. <br /> d. In clo 0. .", tion with OWASA and consistent with the need for <br /> effective project management as outlined in Section 2c above,the County Staff will have <br /> full access to the design consultant and all relevant sub-consultants for any aspect of the <br /> Project OWASA'will authorize the design consultant and subcontractors to meet with <br /> County representatives or provide any information needed by the County on any aspect <br /> of the Project. <br /> 3. Construction phase. <br /> a. The bidding procedure for the construction contract shall be <br />