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Having said that, what I would like to do this evening is briefly review with you the <br /> actions of the Planning Board. As you will note from Attachment 5 of your abstract packet, the <br /> Planning Board went through the Findings of Fact and determined that the applicant had met <br /> his burden with respect to compliance with the individual requirements of the Orange County <br /> Unified Development Ordinance for the approval of this request. They also made specific <br /> Findings of Fact on the compliance with Section 5.3.2 (8) 2 a, b, and c, with respect to this <br /> project's compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, with respect to this proposed amendment <br /> would not have a negative impact on adjacent property, and last but not least, the applicant had <br /> met his burden of proof that the proposal was consistent with surrounding land use. The <br /> Planning Board is recommending unanimous approval of this process and of the proposed <br /> rezoning. The applicant specifically in Attachment 4 has indicated his support for the conditions <br /> with one exception β€”the applicant requests that that the Board not impose a condition about <br /> the wooded access from this lot of the Pathway Court. As you will recall from the Quarterly <br /> Public Hearing, and this is detailed within Attachment 2 of your abstract packet, concerns were <br /> expressed by adjacent property owners about the potential for a road or a drive access from <br /> this property and ultimately the existing camp property to the east operated by Mr. Dickinson <br /> onto Pathway Court. Staff recommended the imposition of the condition at that time. Staff still <br /> recommends the imposition of this condition. The applicant respectfully requested in writing <br /> that you not impose it. Unless you have any questions, that is the end of my presentation at <br /> this time. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: To the point he just made, do you feel that adequately addressed the <br /> concerns of Mr. Lamb that are on page 33 of our packet regarding the impact on the Heartwood <br /> development? <br /> Michael Harvey: I feel it does and with all due respect to Mr. Dickinson, I take a different <br /> viewpoint of why the condition was imposed. As this parcel of property is being removed from <br /> the confines of the Heartwood at Blackwood Special Use Permit and is not subject to the <br /> conditions of the Special Use Permit or the imposition of fees or other actions by the Heartwood <br /> Homeowners Association that is responsible for maintaining Pathway Court, it is my considered <br /> opinion that it would not be reasonable for us to allow there to be access onto Pathway Court by <br /> the adjacent camp, even though the property has frontage on it and even though there are <br /> other lots that were approved after the issuance of the Special Use Permit that have access on <br /> Pathway as well. I would argue that the County in hindsight, should have required an <br /> amendment to the Special Use Permit to allow for further subdivision activity to occur in the 80's <br /> and early 90's, which it did not. We do not need to perpetuate the same mistake, as this <br /> property has been removed from the confines and SUP and not subject to the local <br /> homeowners control and purview, it is my considered opinion that it should not be allowed to <br /> have access on a street that is maintained by that homeowners association. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: Just in reading what Mr. Lamb said, I thought he was concerned that <br /> the parcel be restricted for use for the septic field and it says, "and no other activities or <br /> services or hindrances along the border of the community." <br />