Orange County NC Website
desires to change the Land Use Classification from rural residential to EDE-1, which allows a <br /> number of non-residential entities. <br /> This would *negatively*impact our neighborhood in many ways (increased traffic on two-lane <br /> road, dangerous underpasses, depress home values, etc). <br /> Further, the Zoning and Land use classification would *not be consistent*, which will create <br /> conflicts later. Finally, the Durham plan keeps this entire area as residential in their urban <br /> growth plan. Thus, the Orange County and Durham plans will *not be consistent.* <br /> We would strongly urge the board not to approve this proposal. The land use classification <br /> should either remain residential or the region around Old <br /> NC-10 should be removed from this economic development district. <br /> Thank you for reading this. <br /> Most sincerely, <br /> Marjorie Scheer and Maximino Vargas <br /> 3726 Jackson Road <br /> Durham, NC, 27705 <br /> Planning Director Craig Benedict presented this item. These amendments have been <br /> on the public hearing in February and May. These amendments are related to the area in the <br /> County near the intersection of 1-85 and US 70 along the eastern border of Orange County next <br /> to the City of Durham and Durham County. He showed this area on a map. He said that this <br /> section of the County has some potential for growth. He said that 84% of the total County is <br /> intended for low-density and agricultural use. This area is designated for focused growth with <br /> an urban intensity. <br /> The land use amendments include three areas: Area I is Whisper Pines development <br /> as a residential node, Area 11 is an economic development category (low-intensity business or <br /> residential), and Area III will go from rural-residential to economic development. There is no <br /> rezoning recommended to an EDD 11 category except for the right-of-way by 1-85. They are <br /> suggesting leaving the zoning in place by the Whisper Pines development. There is a change <br /> from the original land use and zoning submittals based on community input. The entire zoning <br /> of the land south of the railroad tracks and north of Old NC 10 is being deleted. The zoning of <br /> the mobile home park is also being deleted and the mobile home park is being left as is. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz <br /> to receive the Planning Board recommendation and close the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 67 and the minutes from the last public <br /> hearing where the County Commissioners asked for more information. He said that he does <br /> not see this information in the packet. One of the items is more information regarding the City <br /> of Durham's Urban Growth Boundary where it goes into Orange County. <br /> Craig Benedict said that there are links to the small area plan on the website. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that Commissioner McKee also asked about links to railroad <br /> crossings so that the Planning Board could see them and also the public. <br />