Minutes 02-01-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 02-01-2013
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Last modified
4/24/2013 9:44:22 AM
Creation date
2/20/2013 11:00:33 AM
Meeting Type
Special Meeting
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Agenda - 02-01-2013 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2013\Agenda - 02-01-2013 - BOCC Retreat
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more deeply poverty stricken families. We need to look at gaps in services and examine the <br /> different approaches needed to address rural versus urban poverty. <br /> d. Be honest about the extent of the problems of poverty and raise the profile of the issue. <br /> e. Recruit businesses to the county that pay living wages, and <br /> f. Take county business to those who pay living wages. <br /> Affordable Housing Ideas to Consider <br /> 1. Land bank for Affordable Housing development <br /> 2. Develop a coherent strategy to promote manufactured housing in rural areas and continue this <br /> housing in urban areas. <br /> 3. Because of vacant Home Trust Units, allow home rental rather than requiring home purchase. <br /> The program is in conflict with reality - they have artificial standards for those trying to move <br /> into Home Trust Homes. <br /> 4. Need to look at lot size regulations in rural areas and consider revising that policy. <br /> 5. Explore models of environmentally responsible water/septic systems to enable housing <br /> development in areas currently prohibited due to environmental impact concerns. Think <br /> creatively about using this technology to develop rural villages. <br /> 6. Consider changing land use regulations that restrict manufactured homes. Some people can <br /> only afford a mobile home in particular those who are aging and/or on limited incomes. <br /> Housing for Homelessness and Domestic Violence Victims <br /> 1. Commissioners need to determine how they will address homelessness because the current <br /> Homeless Shelter is shifting to transitional housing within the next couple of years. There are <br /> 17 temporary beds until IFC changes to its new purpose. <br /> 2. There has been no response to appeals to the BOCC for a shelter for domestic violence <br /> victims. <br /> 3. The negative of locating a homeless shelter at Southern Human Services Center due to <br /> closeness to women's shelter and senior center. <br /> 4. It was suggested that the board wait to determine how they will address the issue of <br /> homelessness after the Partnership to End Homelessness completes its work. This body <br /> includes service providers and Orange County BOCC members. <br /> Local and State and Federal Strategies will be required to address the issue of poverty in <br /> Orange County. <br /> Review BOCC Goal #5 and Priorities <br /> Goal1l#5: Cireate, Preserve & Protect IMatuiralll IEnvliiironment <br /> lBirliief Overvliiew/Mistory: <br /> This goal is the foundation for life; everyone has access to environment- public parks, public <br /> recreation, and public land. Foundational principle for Orange County is to first to have a land use <br /> plan; watershed protection; rural buffers; fits into other efforts they have. Protect and enhanced <br /> agriculture in Orange County. For a high quality of life we maintain stewardship of the natural <br /> environment— it is our duty to protect the air and water for human health. <br /> Staff Update/Status <br /> Lands Legacy Program Update provided by Dave Stancil: <br /> a. Commissioners were provided an inventory of the land purchased in the Lands Legacy <br /> Program using a combination of resources from bonds, partnerships with towns, other counties <br /> and nonprofits. <br />
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