Orange County NC Website
2. In addition to increasing the public's access about the way County government works and what <br /> they do, we should be publicizing the positive things Orange County is doing. <br /> 3. There is no web streaming — no interactive sign up for emails. <br /> 4. Linda Convissor from UNC-Chapel Hill commented about the very different cultures between <br /> UNC (totally decentralized structure) and Orange County (hierarchical & top down). She <br /> concurred about the importance of trust building between the two entities in addition she <br /> suggested that both the University and County should create opportunities and commit the time <br /> to interact to achieve mutual understanding and have ongoing communication. <br /> Requests for Staff <br /> 1. Continue to pursue goals of public affairs office and incorporate strategies to publicize the <br /> positive Orange County activities. <br /> 2. Work with the County Commissioners to identify ways to improve relations between Orange <br /> County and UNC-Ch. <br /> 3. Develop a Strategic Communications Plan, Web access to meetings and a identify a <br /> permanent meeting space in Hillsborough. <br /> Review BOCC Goal #6 and Priorities <br /> Goal1l#6„ (Ensure II,,,.liife II,,,.ong II,,,.earniiin (Champion Diversity, Education, Libraries, Parks, <br /> Recreation and Animal Welfare) <br /> IBirliief Oveirvliiew/IBiiistory„ <br /> This became a "catch all" goal for all the remaining Commission priorities that assists with <br /> promoting a high quality of life and address inequities between old and new schools. It was <br /> understood that even though diversity is a part of this goal that the goal of diversity should <br /> permeate throughout each goal in the plan. <br /> Staff Update/Status <br /> Dave Stancil distributed a hand out to update the Commissioners on the status of the parks plan. <br /> In the process of his report, he gave updates on various park activities. <br /> Dliiscussliion IBliighlllliiglhts <br /> 1. Need to address improvement of older schools. <br /> 2. Commissioners should address the need for Libraries in southern and northern Orange <br /> County. <br /> 3. To promote the goal of diversity within the County: <br /> a. All goals and services should be accessible to everyone in the county. <br /> b. Promote and maintain diversity within the community so it does not become <br /> homogeneous. <br /> c. Various advisory boards and commissions should have racial, ethnic, income, and <br /> geographic diversity. <br /> (bequests for Staff <br /> 1. Staff needs to schedule future conversation about whether to create a separate goal related <br /> to diversity in the BOCC Goals and Priorities. <br /> Reflection and Next Steps <br /> The facilitator summarized discussion highlights and the major requests of staff(see above) then <br /> asked if there were any corrections or additions. There was one related to the need for old schools <br />