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encourage and challenge all County residents to learn more about this historic document <br /> throughout the year. <br /> This the 20th day of November 2012. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> approve a proclamation officially commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation <br /> Proclamation and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Consent Agenda <br /> • Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda <br /> a. Minutes <br /> The Board considered correcting and/or approving the minutes from September 18 and <br /> October 2, 2012 as submitted by the Clerk to the Board. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to her proposed corrections to the October 2, <br /> 2012 draft minutes on the blue sheet and she read these: <br /> QUESTIONS/ COMMENTS - CONSENT AGENDA - 20 NOV. 2012 From Commissioner <br /> Gordon <br /> (1) Item 5-a - October 2, 2012 Minutes <br /> The Implementation Agreement approved by the BOCC on October 2, 2012 (and also the <br /> agreement approved by the DCHC MPO Transportation Advisory Committee on October 10, <br /> 2012) differs from the signed Implementation Agreement in two ways. <br /> To make the minutes reflect what was actually approved by the BOCC, the following changes <br /> should be made. What the BOCC approved in Paragraph 10 was less ambiguous than the <br /> signed version, and what the BOCC approved on the signature page did not have a word <br /> spelled incorrectly. ("General Council" should be "General Counsel.") <br /> A. Page 18 <br /> Change line 21 to read as follows: <br /> The Implementation Agreement, in the form in which it was approved at this meeting, is as <br /> follows: <br /> B. Pages 20 and 21 <br /> Change line 44 on page 20, and lines 1-4 on page 21 to read as follows: <br /> 10. The Parties agree to develop appropriate benchmarks and timeline <br /> to evaluate progress in gaining federal and state financial support for the LRT project in the <br /> Plan during the four years following execution of this Agreement, to incorporate these <br /> benchmarks and timeline into the Plan during the first four year review, and to use these <br /> benchmarks and timeline in the reviews set out in paragraph 9 above and in paragraph 13 <br /> below. <br />