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e. A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br /> affirm the recommendation of the Planning Board concerning the application's <br /> compliance with the provisions of Section 5.3.2 (B) of the Orange County Unified <br /> Development Ordinance as detailed within Attachment 6 of the abstract package. <br /> DISCUSSION: <br /> Commissioner Gordon: I do not find in the record enough competent material or substantial <br /> evidence to meet the applicant's burden of proof. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: You're talking about `e', Commissioner Gordon? <br /> Commissioner Gordon: B, actually. This is the one that has sewage disposal facilities. It is <br /> 5.328. <br /> Commissioner McKee: To be specific, I am now reading the handout. I make a motion to <br /> affirm the recommendation of the Planning Board concerning the application's compliance <br /> with the provisions of Section 5.3.2 (B) of the Orange County Unified Development Ordinance <br /> as detailed within Attachment 6 of the abstract package. <br /> Commissioner Gordon: What I was going to say is that I did not find enough competent <br /> material or substantial evidence in the record to meet the applicant's burden of proof. <br /> John Roberts: That's correct, and what that deals with is the standards for a special use <br /> permit, "use will maintain and promote public health, safety, and general welfare," etc. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: I agree with Commissioner Gordon, I think the developer could have <br /> easily satisfied my concerns and just did not choose to do so. So I left wondering whether we <br /> do have sufficient substantial evidence. <br /> John Roberts: If I could correct my previous statement. B is for the specific standards. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 5; Nays, 2 (Commissioner Gordon and Commissioner Jacobs) <br /> f. A motion will need to be made regarding compliance with Section 5.3.2(A)(2) of the <br /> Ordinance. <br /> i. A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Yuhasz that there is sufficient evidence in the record the project complies with <br /> Section 5.3.2 (A)(2)(a) of the UDO in that the use will maintain and promote the <br /> public health, safety, and general welfare, if located where proposed and <br /> developed and operated according to the plan as submitted. <br /> Chair Pelissier: I think here we actually have to also add Commissioner McKee to make a <br /> complete motion. If you look on page 139 we actually have to cite all material evidence. If <br /> you'll just continue the motion starting at the top of 139. <br />