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not get to see the homeowners' association agreement. And since the developer did not aim <br /> to give us that information, we're just going to have to hope that a group of people who may <br /> not necessarily ever look at that field, because they don't live anywhere near it, are going to <br /> maintain its public health and safety. <br /> Michael Harvey: I just want to remind the Board that obviously any agreement associated <br /> with the outside septic areas is going to be reviewed by the County Attorney and the <br /> Engineer. Obviously, Environmental Health has to be involved, not only in permitting, but also <br /> in approving the language of the governance of the outside septic. <br /> Commissioner Gordon: I would just like the follow up on the off-site septic. So specifically <br /> what you're saying is Environmental Health said that this was alright. <br /> Michael Harvey: Yes ma'am. They said that the system has to be permitted, but they do not <br /> see any issues that would prevent an off-site system from being developed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon: In terms of the evidence submitted. Some of it was written <br /> evidence. As I recall, there was a lot of evidence that needed follow up. I didn't know the <br /> status of that. <br /> Michael Harvey: My answer to that is that you have sworn testimony that has been placed <br /> into the record, you have written responses to various questions entered into the record, you <br /> have staff memorandum detailing the approvability of the project entered into the record, all of <br /> which represents the competent testimony and material evidence that can be utilized to render <br /> a decision. The Planning Board has obviously determined there is sufficient evidence in the <br /> record, including responses to concerns, justifying a recommendation to approve the project. <br /> Items that are here this evening will also be entered into the record. <br /> John Roberts: The record before you is the only record or evidence that you can consider in <br /> making a decision. You're not getting more evidence tonight, because that is not the purpose <br /> of what this was, but the Planning Board received considerable additional information that you <br /> did not hear at the Quarterly Public Hearing, so what they received is now for your <br /> consideration. <br /> Commissioner Gordon: The last thing is a requirement about whoever reads the motion. <br /> There is a burden to cite evidence. What I recall from other times is, the burden of proof <br /> varies. There are all these rules about it, but what seems to be operative here is whichever <br /> motion you make, you need to cite the evidence. <br /> Michael Harvey: We provided you a script. <br /> Commissioner Gordon: I know there is a script, but it says to cite the evidence. <br /> Michael Harvey: Yes ma'am. The script actually provides you the mechanism where you can <br /> do that if you're affirming the Planning Board recommendation. If you choose not to affirm the <br /> Planning Board recommendation, it is up to the councilmember making that motion to enter the <br /> evidence into the record justifying that motion. Let me also clarify that when you get to the <br /> provisions of Section 5.3.2, a, b, and c, which are the general findings at the end, you will have <br />