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John Roberts: I don't know that this Board or any board could mandate that they open a trail <br /> on another property. I don't agree that that's something within this Board's power. If the <br /> mandate is that they maintain a trail on this portion of the property, all they would have to do is <br /> do that to remain in compliance with their special use permit. There can be no mandate that <br /> they open a trail on another property. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: If I can follow up, theoretically, if the trail connection is made to the <br /> TLC property, then it would be up to either the developer or the homeowners' association to <br /> negotiate with Triangle Land Conservancy whether or not there would be an adequate <br /> connection. <br /> John Roberts: That is correct. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: Another question I had, on page 6, the fifth bullet: "BOCC members <br /> requested additional information on the operational parameters of the off-site septic field. The <br /> applicant agreed to supply additional information." Is that additional information in here about <br /> how this system is going to work across the property? Let me add that one reason that I ask <br /> is, those of us who remember the Piney Mountain subdivision on Mt. Sinai Road, it was a <br /> development that had a state-approved system, a pumping system, and it was not adequately <br /> installed or maintained, and the City of Durham and OWASA had to come in through the rural <br /> buffer and bring water and sewer. I'm sure we don't want to get into a situation where we <br /> create a public health hazard. I was hoping that there would be additional explanation of how <br /> this was going to work, especially since we're not privy to the details of the homeowners' <br /> association based on our own regulations. Do we have more information? <br /> Michael Harvey: Commissioner Jacobs, staff has commented on that issue within the <br /> abstract. What was provided to staff by the applicant in addressing that very question is <br /> contained within additional correspondence, which you will find beginning on page 10. On <br /> page 12, specifically focusing on the trail, this was an email from Jeff Masten. Beginning on <br /> page 14, you have the applicant written responses to all questions from the Quarterly Public <br /> Hearing, which includes, beginning on page 23, the applicant provided additional groundwater <br /> data to address this very issue. Ultimately this represents the applicant's response to your <br /> inquiry. I would also remind the Board, at the August Quarterly Public Hearing, a <br /> memorandum was entered into the record from the Orange County Health Department. This <br /> memorandum contained a statement by the sanitarian indicating he had no concerns over the <br /> system. It also contained the state-mandated regulatory requirements for off-site systems, <br /> specifying how outside systems are to be operated, functioning, and maintained. I believe <br /> comments were made at the August Quarterly Public Hearing that it would be inspected every <br /> five years, that there were HOA requirements in terms of maintenance and guaranteeing the <br /> adequacy of the system and maintenance of the common septic area. The Planning Board <br /> recommended in addition that the easement language be reviewed and approved by Tom <br /> Konsler as well as the County Attorney before final project location. Unfortunately, specific <br /> information was not provided on the actual pump system proposed for use to get affluent to <br /> these off-site septic areas in order to relay that information to you this evening <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz: I would like to ask a follow-up question about that. These remote <br /> systems are individual systems in a remote area, not a common system, is that correct? <br /> Michael Harvey: That's correct, and that's one of the conditions. <br />