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the adequacy of proposed sewage storage facilities and adequacy of public safety protection. <br /> The Planning Board made an affirmative finding that the developer had met their burden. <br /> Last, but certainly not least, is the finding of the general regulatory standards as contained <br /> within Section 5.3.2.a.2.a. The first one being is that the use will maintain or promote the <br /> health, safety, or general welfare. Within the script and within Attachment 6, which is the <br /> findings of fact, you will note that the Planning Board made several references to evidence <br /> entered into the record and how they confirmed their finding. The same with Section <br /> 5.3.2.a.2.b, which was a requirement that the applicant demonstrate that the proposed use <br /> maintain the value of contiguous property. Again, you will note the Planning Board made an <br /> affirmative finding, listing specifically those items in the record that would justify their finding. <br /> Finally the Planning Board made an affirmative finding with respect to 5.3.2.a.2.c that the use <br /> is in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and it is in compliance with the plan for <br /> physical development of the County as provided in these regulations, specifically the UDO and <br /> the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Madame Chair, I would be happy to answer questions at this time, however, before questions <br /> are asked I would ask that the Board acknowledge and have a motion to place this agenda <br /> packet into the record. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br /> place this agenda packet into the record. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Chair Pelissier: So we can have further discussion before we close the public hearing, <br /> because after that, we cannot. Any questions, any comments before we close the public <br /> hearing? <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: I have several questions. I have a question for the County Attorney <br /> about the applicant's assertion that a condition that the Triangle Land Conservancy might <br /> close a trail that could result in an invalidation of their special use permit. Have I heard that <br /> correctly? Could you just address whether that is in fact a valid assertion? <br /> John Roberts: I don't remember hearing that. Is that in the packet somewhere? <br /> Commissioner Jacobs: I thought that's what Mr. Harvey said. <br /> Michael Harvey: That's correct. It's actually contained in Attachment 2. As a summary, the <br /> Triangle Land Conservancy indicated that they would allow a trail to be extended. They <br /> require the applicant to bear some financial burden and pay for stewardship and that TLC <br /> technically reserves the right to limit or require the trail to close in the event it became a <br /> potential hazard on the property. The applicant's response, and I'm paraphrasing somewhat, <br /> essentially indicates that they would not want to go to the expense of developing and installing <br /> the trail if it is subject to be closed by TLC, and #2, if they are required to have the trail which is <br /> subsequently required to be closed they would not want to create a situation causing a <br /> technical violation of the SUP and therefore risk having the SUP revoked. <br />