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• Recommended approval finding the applicant complied with the standards of the UDO. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: <br /> 1. Receive the Planning Board recommendation, <br /> 2. If necessary, deliberate further on the application, <br /> 3. Close the public hearing, <br /> Michael Harvey: There is an existing stream through this portion of the property. You will <br /> recall from the August Quarterly Public Hearing we introduced into the record a letter from <br /> Orange County Erosion Control relating to the completion of a surface water investigation that <br /> certified that the stream does indeed stop and restart, so the applicant is showing the <br /> appropriate buffer on the site plan. <br /> Attachment 6 of this packet is the Planning Board's recommendation with various findings. <br /> You will recall that with Special Use Permits, decisions are based on competent material and <br /> substantial evidence entered into the record. The Planning Board found sufficient evidence in <br /> the record that the applicant complied with all requirements in terms of a Class A SUP <br /> Application and Major Subdivision Applications; that the applicant complied with all <br /> development design criteria; that the applicant had complied with all specific and general <br /> standards in the UDO for the issuance of the special use permit. Ultimately, the Planning <br /> Board recommended the imposition of numerous conditions, which you will find at the end of <br /> Attachment 6 regarding the overall development of this property. <br /> The recommendation tonight is that you receive the Planning Board recommendation; if <br /> necessary, deliberate further; close the public hearing; and that you take action on this request <br /> by utilizing the script staff has provided to you in Attachment 7 to review and approve the <br /> various findings of fact associated with this project; and that ultimately you have a vote to <br /> approve the special use permit and impose the recommended conditions as recommended by <br /> the Planning Board. What the Planning Board has essentially recommended is that you find <br /> the applicant has met their burden with respect to compliance with Section 2.2 and 2.7.3 of the <br /> Orange County Unified Development Ordinance and that they have complied with all of the <br /> allocations and requirements. You have the opportunity in affirming this to essentially utilize <br /> and refer the Planning Board recommendation. Having said that, if the motion is to reject this <br /> finding, you're going to have to come up with your rationale for the evidence that's in the <br /> record justifying that finding. As I move on, the Planning Board has voted to affirm that the <br /> applicant has met their burden with respect to complying with Section 2.7.5 of the UDO. This <br /> section deals specifically with public notice and public advertisement. They determined that <br /> there was sufficient evidence in the record and to make this an affirmative finding. <br /> The next motion will be concerning to affirm or reject compliance with Section 7.14.2. Once <br /> again, the Planning Board voted unanimously to find that there was sufficient evidence in the <br /> record to make this determination. The next motion will deal with affirming or rejecting <br /> compliance with Section 5.15.6 of the UDO, which deals with the special use permit composed <br /> within the subdivision. Once again, the Planning Board voted unanimously to find that the <br /> applicant complied. <br /> Next, you're going to be asked to affirm or to reject the Planning Board's finding with respect to <br /> compliance with Section 5.3.2b where the applicant is required to demonstrate compliance with <br />